Chapter 30

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The memories are flooding back to me from the day that Mark and I first met. It all feels like it was just the other day.


I walk out of the backstage area and head towards the bathroom. I am walking with my head down looking at my feet. Suddenly I run into something. I look up to see that it is not something it is someone.

"Oh sorry." I look up and I see a man around the same height as Jack. He has bright red hair and is wearing glasses.

"It's okay." He responds. We both stand there awkwardly until he speaks again. "I see that you are a Jacksepticeye fan." It takes a second for me to realize how he knew that. Then I remember the Sam Septiceye hat I am wearing.

"Oh, this. My friend just made me wear this, so I would "fit in". I say in air quotations.

"Well, I don't think she should force you to do anything." He says. I am staring into his brown eyes and I don't think about any else, like the tons of people. The anxiety of this day is slowly drifting away. His voice is so soothing and deep that it is almost magical. I finally snap out of it when he responds.

"Oh sorry, I forgot to introduce my self. I'm Mark." He says holding his hand out for me to shake. I shake his hand and I respond by introducing myself. "I'm (Y/N)."


I jerk my body back, shocked at how real that felt to me. I look down at my hands making sure I'm not still daydreaming.

"(Y/N) you good? You look disheveled."

"Yeah yeah." I take a deep breath, in and out. " I just remember when Mark and I first met and it all felt so real."

"This is where you guys met, right outside the bathrooms." Sam tries to lighten the mood. But my brain is still baffled by how well I was able to remember that. But looking back at that memory it really was love at first sight. From the moment I saw those rich dark brown eyes, my heart fell for him.

Ha, I guess Romeo and Juliet was right, love, at first sight, is a real thing. Whoever thought that it would be silly old me falling in love with a YouTuber. Me the little animator that no one knew. Now I'm dating a youtuber and am the sister of a youtuber.

"Sam, I can't believe that it's been 3 and 1/2 years already. Time has really flown by. Do you think that's a good thing?" My mind is racing about everything Mark and I have done together. From our first date to right now.

"That's definitely a good thing (Y/N)," Sam reassures me, putting her hand on my shoulder. I smile, knowing Sam has always got my back. She's my closest friend and I'm glad to know she won't leave me. "You and Mark are perfect for each other. I've never seen a better and happier couple."

A small smile appears on my face. I start zoning out, thinking about Mark. He's the one thing that I can never get off my mind. Yeah, I get a lot of work, but at this moment nothing is more important than my Markimoo. The memories flashing across my mind like a reel of film in an old school movie.

"Hey (Y/N) we only got about an hour till the panel? You maybe wanna go get a quick snack?" Sam suggests looking at her phone for the time.

"Yeah, that will be great. It will get me ready for the panel. I gotta have tons of energy."

We walk over to the CupHead themed food truck. Which is not very popular with the rest of the crowd so we are first in line. I look up at the menu and finally decide what I'll get and tell Sam. Sam tells the worker our order and they say the cost.

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