Chapter 18

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"We can call your Mom back in now, I am ready to show her my animations." I explain to Mark. 

"Are you sure you're good?" 

"Yeah, I am calm now."  Mark nods his head.

"Mom you can come here now. (Y/N) wants to show you her animations." Mark exclaims loudly, but not shouting.

 "Okay, I will be there in a second." Mrs. Fischbach responds. We wait a few seconds, during those seconds I make sure that I have all my animations up.

She walks in the door and Mark gets up and grabs another chair. He gives up his chair for his Mom, and he sits on the other side of me. Since I am directly in front of the computer. 

"This is a very nice set-up you have (Y/N)." Mrs. Fischbach comments.

"Oh thanks. Yeah, I am just glad I am able to make a career out of something I enjoy."

Mrs. Fischbach just nods. I look at Mark, wondering if I should start the animation or not. He mouths the words "Explain it", while pointing at the animation. 

I nod my head and start explaining, "Well the first animation I am going to show you is the Cuphead animation, I am making for Mark's YouTube channel." I click on the animation and it starts playing.

I have become immune to all the jokes Mark makes that I don't laugh at them. I just admire my work and look for anything I need to fix. So far everything is good. I hear Mrs. Fischbach laughing at a few parts.

 It feels weird for her to laugh because this is her own son making the jokes. But I blow it off and continue critiquing the animation until it is done. 

"That was a really good animation (Y/N). You are a very talented artist." 

I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks. I try to get the heat away from my cheeks, so It doesn't look like I embarrassed. 

"Thank you. Do you want to see another full animation? Because the one I just showed you was not finished." 

"Yeah that would be fine."  I find the other animation that I have pulled up. I click on the start button and the animation starts playing. The memories immediately flood back to me of when I was making it.

This animation was one of my first animations. I didn't even have my voice in the background, that's how old it is. I cringe at some of the things that I drew. We finish the animation, finally.

"That was a really good animation also." 

 "Thank you." I respond. We sit in silence for a little bit, then Mrs. Fischbach talks.

 "Well, It's getting a little late, so I will leave you two alone." Mrs. Fischbach explains, getting up and walking out the door. 

"Goodnight Mom." Mark says, before she walks out the door. 

"Goodnight Mark." She responds, and then walks out the door. I look at Mark with worry in my eyes, when she closes the door. He looks back at me.

"(Y/N) you did fine. She really liked your animations." Mark reassures me. 

"Thanks Mark." 

 "No problem (Y/N)." 

 We sit there for a few moments and then I come up with the idea to work on my animation.

"Mark, I am going to work on animating more of the Cuphead animation." I explain. 

"Okay, I have to edit that video that we filmed today." Mark explains. We both get our stuff ready to start working. 


We have both been working for the past 2 or 3 hours. I don't keep track when I am animating. I look at the clock on my computer and see that it is 11:00pm. No wonder I am getting kinda tired.  I take off my headphones, to relax my hears a little.

Mark gets scared from the sudden other movement in the room. "Sorry did I scare you." I apologize. 

"No it's fine. I was just so focused and then you moved and it freaked me out." 

"I'm almost done with the animation." 

 "Okay cool. I finished editing the video. I am ready to upload it, but I will upload it tomorrow because it is already really late."


I rub my eyes, they were getting a little tired of looking at a screen all day. I save my animation, to make sure that all the things I worked on don't go away. I close out all my tabs and close my computer. I lay my headphones on top of the now closed computer.

"I'm going to go get ready for bed in my room." I say.

 "Okay." Mark responds. But before I can get up and leave Mark walks over and kisses me. 

He pulls away and says "Goodnight (Y/N)." 

"Goodnight Markimoo." 

I walk out of the room and into mine. It is dark, so I turn on the light, so I can not fall. I go to my suitcase and pull out my pajamas. I change into my pajamas and go brush my teeth and stuff. I get ready in my bed and I have my phone with me.

I'm not tired yet and go on my phone and check social media. Not much has happened, while I wasn't on it for a couple of days. But I see that I have a text from Sam.

"Hey (Y/N). How's it going with Mark?"

I think about if I should respond or not. I figure I should, because knowing her she is still awake.

"Hi Sam. It's going good. I am in Cincinnati right now with Mark and I got to meet his Mom and brother."

While I am  waiting I go back onto social media and continue what I was doing. Then I feel my phone buzz in my hand and see that Sam has texted me back. See I told you she would be up. 

"Ooooooo. So are you two dating now?"


"Awww. I ship it."

 What? What does she mean when she says "ship". What the heck does that mean? Is it something that has to do with YouTube? I don't know I might as well ask her.

"What does ship mean?"

She replies at lighting speed. She must think I am a complete idiot when I don't know what "ship" means.

"You don't know what ship means? How can you not know!?"

"I don't now maybe because I don't go on YouTube a lot."

"Okay well yeah. Shipping is when you see two people and you think  would be a cute couple. So you ship them. Like you and Mark I think you two are a cute couple, so I ship you. And the ships can also be gay or lesbian, even if the people you are shipping are straight. Take for example, one ship that is gay is septiplier. It is a ship of Mark and Jack and neither of them are gay, but we still ship it."

"Okay now I understand, thanks for explaining it to me."

"I should probably be going to sleep now. Tomorrow I have to get Mark's present for his birthday."

"Aw cute. Goodnight."


I close out all my apps and put my phone on the bedside table to charge. I turn off the lamp that I had on right next to me. I close my eyes and start to fall asleep. I think about what I should get Mark for his birthday. Then, I am out cold.

(A/N) Sorry for the shortish chapter. I will make a longer one next time. Buh-Bye.

What You Thought Was Just Going To Be A Friendship (Markiplier X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant