Chapter 13

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(A/N) Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I just had a huge presentation to do. I will update more now that it is done.


I wake and find that I am on the pull-out couch, cuddling with Mark. I don't move, not wanting to wake him. My head is laying on his chest and I can feel it move up and down as he breathes. I also notice, I am still in my clothes from yesterday and so is Mark. I slowly move my head off of his chest. As I do, so I look at him and see his eyes open slightly.

"Good morning," Mark says his voice is quiet and sleepy. 

"Good morning," I respond also sleepy. I sit up, shortly after he does. His hair is ruffled and flying everywhere. He is so cute. Now I feel like a  fangirl when I am near him. I just don't freak out when I see him.

"I have been thinking about what we can do today, and how do you feel about going to see a movie," Mark exclaims.

 "Yeah. I know of a movie theater near here." I explain. "What movie do you want to see?" I question.

Mark thinks for a little bit and then suggests "What about Avengers Infinity War?" I nod in agreement. I get up to start making breakfast. Mark goes and gets dressed. He comes back out and I have finished making breakfast. I hand him a plate. We both start eating, then Mark breaks the silence.

"(Y/N), I have been thinking lately and I really like you." He pauses rubbing his neck, looking nervous. "I was just wondering would like to be my girlfriend," Marks says really fast and flinching backward. 

"Okay, Mark slow down. I did not catch a word you just said." I explain, trying to calm him down.

He takes a breath and speaks again. "I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend," Mark exclaimed, looking down. I lift his head up.

 "Of course, I would love to be your girlfriend. I thought you would never ask." I say staring into his eyes. Those dark brown eyes, that are easy to get lost in.

He realizes what I have just said. He gets out of his chair and hugs me tightly. I hug back and I can feel him smiling. We release from the hug. " I am going to go get ready," I say pointing to my door.


Oh, my gosh, it actually worked! She said yes! I am so happy right now. I can't contain it. I decide to text Jack and tell him. He is her sister after all. I pull out my phone and begin typing.

"Hey, Jackaboy! Guess what?" I wait a few seconds for him to respond. Then my phone vibrates.


"I asked (Y/N) to be my girlfriend, and she said yes!"

"Yay! I am happy for you two."

"Thx bro. Gtg we are going to see a movie. Ttyl"


I hear (Y/N)'s door open and I look up from my phone. She is so cute. I am so glad she is my girlfriend. I should probably tell the fans. I'll worry about that later. I decide to not worry about it. "You ready to go?" I ask. 

"Yeah." (Y/N) responds. We walk out the door and she locks it.


We walk to the car our hands intertwined. I am so happy, that he asked me to be his girlfriend. He is just an amazing person. We make it to the car and I drive to the movie theater. We get our tickets and walk to get food.

I get some popcorn, a drink, and my favorite candy. Mark gets the same things. We find the theater and find our seats. After about 20 minutes of previews and commercials, the movie starts.

Mark and I inch towards each other until we are touching shoulders. We both turn to each other. I stare into his eyes and he stares back. I get lost in his eyes and I can feel myself getting closer to him. Our faces are almost an inch away from each other.

He closes his eyes and so do I. Then I feel his lips touch mine. He kisses me and I kiss back. We pull back from the kiss and open our eyes. I start feeling my cheeks heat up. I can tell his cheeks are a little red too. We both focus back to watching the movie, with our hands intertwined and our shoulders touching.


The movies have finished, and we walk out of the movie theater. We are still holding hands. I don't mind it, at this point, it just feels normal. Also, it helps me feel calm like Mark is here to protect me. We get to the car and Mark speaks.

"That was a really good movie," Mark exclaims. 

"Yeah. It was so cool. I loved all the fighting scenes. They looked so realistic." I explain. We drive back to my apartment. Along the way, we are both talking about the movie.

We finally arrive back at my apartment. "Hey, Mark. Do you want to play some video games? I have stuff we can play." I suggest. As soon as I say that Mark's eyes light up.

 "Why didn't you say that earlier. I love videos games." Mark exclaims excitedly. "What games do you have?" Mark inquires.

"I think I have Just Dance," I say thinking about what games I have.

 "We can play that, and I am going to crush you!" Mark exclaims ecstatically. 

"Oh, no way! I am the Just Dance champion!" I shout, standing like a superhero. 

"We'll see about that," Mark exclaims.

I put the disc in and take the remote out. "What song do you want to do?" I ask. 

"I don't care. Whatever you think you can beat me in." Mark says confidently. I choose a song that looks very complicated. I think I have the upper hand on this because it is hip-hop kinda. And I used to take hip-hop dance lessons when I was younger. (If you didn't well now you did.) Mark doesn't know what's gonna hit him.

I start the song and I get ready to do a lot of fancy footwork. I see out of the corner of my eye, that Mark is ready too. We start, and I am nailing every move. While next to me Mark is flopping around like a fish, not knowing what to do.

The song ends and both of us are out of breath from dancing. "Wow. I am really out of shape." I explain, breathing between each word. "Yeah. Who knew that playing video games could be a workout." Mark explains. "And I never knew you could dance," Mark says.

"Oh yeah. I took hip-hop dance lessons when I was younger." I explain. "Cool," Mark responds. I look at the screen for the scores and see that I beat Mark." Haha. I beat you!" I exclaim pointing to the screen. "Ah, I was just warming up. You haven't seen what I am capable of yet." Mark claims.

"What to do another song?" I ask. "Yeah. Once I catch my breath." Mark says, sitting on the couch.

We finish playing our last song. I age beaten Mark in most of the songs. "Bow down to (Y/N) the Queen of Just Dance!" I shout putting one foot on my couch in pride. Mark and I both break out in laughter.

 We stop and Mark speaks " I have to say you are a good dancer." Mark admits.

"You admit, that I have beaten you!" I say excitedly.

 "Yes I admit it, but I am still the KING OF FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S!" Mark yells. 

"The king of what now," I question. 

"You don't know what Five Nights At Freddy's is?" Mark inquires.

"I have no clue what that is,"I admit. 

"You really do live under a rock," Mark says.

 "Hey! But true, very true." I respond.

 "Well, it is a horror video game. Where animatronics are trying to kill you and you need to survive till 6 am." Mark explains. 

"Sounds scary," I say, waving my hands in the air sarcastically.

"It is very scary because you don't know when they are coming. But, yeah eventually you catch on and it's not scary anymore." Mark explains. I pull out my phone and check the time. It's 7:00 pm. 

"I should go work on your animation," I say.

 "Wait (Y/N), before you go. I need to ask you something. Do you want to come to Ohio with me?"

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