Chapter 25

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An ear-piercing sound wakes me from my slumber and I open my eyes to the bright sun outside. Before that noise can wake Mark I turn off and there is silence. Whilst turning off the alarm I notice that Sam is already, by she is not in her bed.

I turn to my side and notice that I was right and Mark is still sleeping. But sadly I have to wake him, so we can make it to California today. I gently shake him awake, and I am able to see his beautiful brown eyes again.

"Well good morning (Y/N)," Mark says his eyes not even fully opened yet. 

"Good morning Mark," I respond as I reach over to the side table where I see Mark has placed his glasses. I grab them and turn back around and place them gently on Mark's face. Mark smiles when I do this.

"Thanks (Y/N) now I can see your beautiful face," Mark commented, smiling from ear to ear. I feel blood rush to my cheeks, and I am overcome with feelings.

I kiss Mark and he kisses back. The room disappears and the weight of the world just fades away. I feel like the gravity keeping us on the ground has just lifted me into the air, and I am bringing Mark along with me. We are both floating in the air just embracing each other's presence.

 Our kiss is interrupted by a disgusted Sam walking into the hotel room. Suddenly, we are back on the ground.  My eyes go wide and both Mark and I separate from the kiss.

"Ewwww. Get a room you two," Sam announces, carrying some food in her hand.

"Uh, we did get a room and you joined us, so we can save money." I snapped back at her.

"OOOOOH, sick burn (Y/N)." Mark beckoned, putting his hand in the air waiting for a high five. I give him a hard high five and after he pulls his hand away and shakes it to relieve the pain. I feel proud that I was once able to come up with a good comeback.

"Well, congrats (Y/N) you were finally able to come up with a good comeback," Sam announces my thoughts, then my feeling of pride goes away.

The room falls silent and Mark just keeps looking at Sam and I, expecting one of us to talk. We both don't talk for a while, I am too crushed by what Sam said to come up with a witty comeback. Sam looks as if she is a statue and only her eyes are scanning the room.

"Welp, I brought some food from the dining area downstairs." Sam breaks the tension, gesturing the food towards us.

"Sam you sure know how to break the ice with offering food," I respond, grabbing both of the plates in her hands. I walk back to Mark and hand him one of the plates.  He takes the plate and nods as if thanking me.

"Well now that you both are eating my food, I will start packing up my things," Sam announce walking over to the pull-out couch.

I say anything to her and just keep eating my food and so does Mark. The room is silent until Mark and I finish eating. The only movement in the room is Sam walking back and forth from the car. After a few minutes of the room being silent, I speak.

"I am going to start packing up my stuff, so we can leave," I commented. First I started off going to the bathroom to change and once I was finished I took all my things from the bathroom and packed them.  I come out of the bathroom and see that Mark has gotten out of bed and is getting ready.

I took one last look at the bathroom to see if I left anything, it's clear, so I move onto the room. I finish cleaning up all my things from the room and I load my suitcase into the car. I get back from the car and Mark has packed his things into his suitcase and is about to bring it to the car. 

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