Chapter 20

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We are walking out of the door, and we walk to Mark's car. Mark walks to the passenger side door and opens the door for me. "Ma'Dame." He says acting like a gentleman. 

"Why thank you sir." I say playing along with him.

He lets me get into the car and then closes the door and walks to his side of the car. I notice him open his door and climb into the car. We both buckle our seat belts and Mark starts the car. (Safety First Kids!) Mark and I chit chat on the way there, and we finally arrive.

We both get out of the car and walk into the restaurant. Mark orders us a table and the worker leads us to our table. When we get to our table Mark and I both start looking at the menu. Before, we can decide on what to eat a waitress comes over to take our drink order.

"How are you two today? I will be your server for the day my name is Ashleigh. What can I get you to drink?" Ashleigh explains. 

"Oh I will just have a coffee with cream."  Then she turns to me waiting for my order. 

"Uh, I will have an iced coffee with cream."

I love her accent. What is it British? No. Irish? No, I would be able to tell. I have an Irish accent for Pete's sake! Australian? Yeah, that's the one. That is actually my favorite accent not including of course Irish.

"Okay, I will get your drinks and you can let me know if you are ready to order then." Ashleigh explains, waiting for a response. 

"Okay, thanks."  Once I respond she walks away to another table.

"Well how are you liking Cincinnati?" Mark questions me. 

"Oh it's great, I still need to adjust to not seeing skyscrapers everywhere."

 "Yeah, I'm glad you enjoying yourself." 

We talk for a little more and then Ashleigh comes back with our drinks. "Here you go, one coffee with cream and one iced coffee with cream." She explains as she hands us our drinks. We thank her and she gives us our drinks. "Are you ready to order?" She inquires. 

I look down at my menu one more time. Mark looks at me and I nod my head saying that I am ready to order. "Yes we are ready." Mark says and explains what he would like. Then I explain what I would have. Once we finish Ashleigh takes our menus and walks to the kitchen.

After some more chit chat Ashleigh comes back with our meals. Once she leaves we start eating our meals. My order is very delicious and I take my time eating it because, it is so delicious. I can tell that Mark is enjoying his food too because, he is smiling while he eats it.

We finish our food and I am stuffed. I can feel a food baby forming, I try to suck it in so no one notices. I think Ashleigh noticed we were done and comes back to our table. She takes our plates and gives us the check.

"I'll pay." I say looking through my purse.

 "No, no, no,no no. I'll pay my treat." Mark exclaims, pulling the check away from me.

 "Are you sure?" 

"Yeah, no problem. Mark assures and pulls out his wallet. 

"Thank you, Mark, you didn't have too." 

 "Yeah no problem, you deserve a good meal for being the best girlfriend ever." Mark comments in a cutesy voice. Heat rises to my cheeks, I try to resist but it happens.

"Thanks Markimoo, well your the best boyfriend ever." I respond, powering through me blushing.

I notice his cheeks get a little red too. It is just a blushing party up in here! Ashleigh comes back and takes the check. She thanks us for the tip and walks to the back area. She comes back and gives us our copy of the receipt.

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