Chapter 16

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Did I seriously just ask her that? I know she's an introvert, why would she want to record a video with me and have the whole internet see her face. I start to mentally slap myself in the face, because of how stupid it was for me to ask her that. Just calm down Mark you can't be nervous. It's fine. 

After over thinking this whole thing (Y/N) speaks. "Uh....... I-I-I..........d-don't..........k-know." She says stuttering, clearly nervous. 

"It's okay. No pressure, if you want to think about it for a little bit." I exclaim trying to calm her down.

She takes a deep breath and relaxes a little." I just don't know what I would say." She admits. 

"Don't worry, it's just like how you were at the panel. And this time there is no one to know what your mistakes are expect me." I say, comforting her.

It takes a little bit for her to respond, but then she finally did. This time she seemed way calmer. "Okay. *Exhales* *Inhales* I think I can do this. Are you sure that no one is going to know when I do a stupid."

I take a second to think about how to phrase my words. "If you do make a "stupid" I can always edit it out and sometimes that is just what makes comedy. But, if you want me to edit it out, I will not force you to put anything on the internet that you don't want." I reassure her.

"Okay, thanks, Mark. You have made me feel way more confident in what I am able to accomplish." 

"No problem, I am always here for moral support if you need it," I explain smiling.

"So what do you want game do you want to record?" 

She thinks for a second staring off into space. Then she comes back to reality and questions "What games do you have?" I start listing off the games I have.

"We can play some Cuphead if you have it." 

"Yeah, that would be fine. I just have to go get another controller." I explain getting up and leaving. I close the door behind me and go ask my brother where the other controller is.


Mark leaves the room to go look for a controller. I sit there and immediately my mind starts racing. What if I am horrible at the game? No it's fine it's a two player game, so Mark can help me. What if I make a fool of myself on camera? No, it's not like this is going to be live, Mark can just edit it out.

My mind goes back and forth like this for a while. Then after what felt like an eternity, Mark is back with a controller in hand. "Okay, I got the controller," Mark announces as he enters the room.

"Okay cool," I respond. He walks over and starts setting up the other controller. He fumbles with all the wires and plays around with some settings. After a little frustration from Mark, he figures it out.

He sits down and hands me the controller. He adjusts the mic, so it can hear both of us. Then he turns to me and asks "You ready to record?" 

"Yeah, I couldn't be more ready,"I exclaim with confidence. He smiles at me and then turns to the computer.

"Remember this is the webcam and you need to look at it at the start. So while I am doing my intro and stuff." Mark reminds me. I nod my head in agreement. Mark turns on the application that records the screen and then turns on the webcam.

"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and today me and (Y/N) are going to be playing Cuphead," Mark says to the camera. " Now I know you may not fully know this wonderful person sitting next to me. Well as I said before this is (Y/N) and she is my girlfriend." Mark explains still looking at the camera and sometimes gesturing to me.

I wave and smile at the camera when he introduces me. "Well without further ado, let's play some Cuphead," Mark exclaims grabbing his controller. I do the same get ready to play. Mark clicks on the tutorial, so we can learn the controls again. 

We finish up the tutorial, making some comments while playing it. I am already feeling more comfortable talking in front of a camera. It feels just like it did at the panel, except this time I don't have a huge crowd staring at me.


We have been playing for a while and have beaten a few bosses. I can tell that Mark is getting a little frustrated. Possibly starting to rage. I don't think anything of it and keep playing and making jokes.

At this point, I am very comfortable talking, and I am sometimes talking more than Mark. Well, when he's frustrated of course. We are working on beating a boss, and we die and Mark gets really mad and harshly puts his controller down and puts his head in his hands.

I notice this and try to comfort him. When just trying to talk to him about it isn't working. I just get closer to him and hug him tightly. I get him to pull his head out of his hands and hug me back. He lays his head on my shoulder and I rub his back calming him down.

It takes a few minutes, but he finally calms down enough to talk. "Sorry (Y/N) I just get really mad sometimes. Especially, playing games like Cuphead that are "hard"." Mark explains. 

"It's fine. I can tell why you would get mad."

"Thanks (Y/N), you're the best." Mark compliments me. I blush from his comment.

 "Thanks, Markimoo," I respond.

 "No problem, I don't know what I would do without you," Mark admits. "You always calm me down when I'm mad, and I don't know what to do without you." 

My cheeks are getting hotter by the second. "Thanks, Mark, I don't know what I would do without you either. You always make me calm and make me laugh when I am feeling down. We have been on so many adventures, that I would never do by myself." 

We both stop talking for a second and then Mark finally talks. " Well do you want to continue playing Cuphead?" Mark inquires. 

"Heck yeah!" I announce throwing my arms in the air. Again I see the resemblance between my brother and me.

"Okay and I promise I won't rage that much this time," Mark explains. 

"Okay," I say picking back up my controller and getting ready to play. Then it hits me we have been recording this whole thing.

"Uh Mark," I say pointing to the webcam. 

"Oh no, we have been recording this whole thing," Mark says face-palming himself. "Don't worry, I will edit this out," Mark explains.

 "Okay, well let's get back into it." Mark grabs his controller and we continue to play.


We have been recording Cuphead for about 45 minutes. We decide to stop recording. We sit there for a little bit and then we hear Mrs. Fischbach.

"Dinner is ready Mark." Mrs. Fischbach exclaims. 

"Okay, we will be right there," Mark responds. I look at him, getting slightly nervous.

"It's okay (Y/N) you'll do great," Mark reassures me. I get ready to leave the room and prepare myself for officially meeting his mom.

I take a few deep breaths and tell myself that it is going to be fine. Mark takes my hand as we are leaving his room and I feel calmer. I am ready to confront his Mom.

What You Thought Was Just Going To Be A Friendship (Markiplier X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now