Chapter 19

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F/C= favorite color

I jerk awake as soon as my alarm goes off. I turn that horrible noise off and get out of bed. Today I am planning on going to get a present for Mark. So, I got up early to go get it without him knowing. 

I walk out of my room and check in Mark's room to make sure he is still sleeping. When I peek into his room, he is still there sleepy soundly. I close the door as quietly as possible and walk to the kitchen.

I see that Mrs. Fischbach is there drinking some coffee and reading the newspaper. "Oh, good morning Mrs. Fischbach." I, half whisper.

 She looks up from her newspaper and responds "Good morning (Y/N). What are you doing up so early?"

"Oh I was planning on getting Mark a present for his birthday today." 

 "Oh okay. When he wakes up I will tell him you went for a walk or something." 

"Okay thanks." 

"No problem." 

I walk back out of the kitchen, because I am not that hungry. I go back to my room and get dressed. Once I am done getting ready, I tell Mrs. Fischbach I am leaving and then leave. Mrs. Fischbach let me take her car to the mall.

Also, she gave me directions to the nearest mall. While driving there I am thinking about what to get Mark. I want to get him something special. Something that he hasn't gotten before. But what? Maybe something with Cuphead because that is kinda how we bonded  with each other.

Maybe I can get custom bracelets and mine can say "Queen of Just Dance" and Mark's can say "King of Five Nights At Freddy's". Yeah, that's a good idea. Then I will get him something that has to do with Five Nights At Freddy's to go with it.

Before I know it I have found my way to the mall. It is not as crowded because it is so early in the morning. I walk in and start looking for a place I can get the  bracelets.

After a little bit of walking around I find a kiosk that makes custom bracelets. I try to see if there is a worker there that I can talk to. I find one and start thinking about what I am going to say. I walk up to the worker and say "Excuse me, but can I make two custom bracelets?"

After I say that she looks at me like "Seriously are you asking me this? This is literally a kiosk to make custom bracelets."

 "Yeah I can help you make some custom bracelets." She responds smiling.

 "Thank you."

She walks over to a computer and I follow her. She gets in front of the keyboard, ready to type. "What color do you want the first bracelet to be?" She inquires. I think for a couple seconds and then answer her.

"Red." She types something on the keyboard and then looks back up at me.

 "What do you want the first bracelet to say?"

 "King of Five Nights At Freddy's."  She gives a weird look, but then types something on the keyboard.

"Okay, we are done with the first bracelet. Now on to the second one. What color do you want the second one to be?" I think a little and decide to make it my favorite color.

 "F/C." She types it into the computer.

"What do you want it to say?"

 "Queen of Just Dance."  I can tell she knows now that this is a couple thing.

 "Is this a cute thing you are doing for you and your boyfriend?" She asks.

"Yeah it's his birthday tomorrow."  

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