Chapter 22

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My eyes widen as soon as my ears hear the sound coming from my phone. I can feel my heart beating fast. Did I just get jump scared from my alarm? Oh, God, I am a pathetic human being. I think face palming my self.

I take my covers off and get ready for the day. First I walk over to my suitcase and pick out an outfit to wear. I pick out the last pair of clothes I have clean and put that on. Then I brush my teeth and stuff like that.

Aw, today I have to leave to go back to Chicago. But I don't have my car with me. Oh, yeah now I remember Mark said he would drive me home and then drive back to California. After my thought process I finish getting ready and walk out of my room.

I walk into the kitchen and find Mrs. Fischbach reading the newspaper as usual. She notices my presence and stands up and gets coffee. With the coffee cup in her hand she walks over to me and hands it to me.

"Good morning (Y/N)."

"Good morning." I say slightly confused by what just happened. Ah it's fine I guess she is just being nice as usual. I stop thinking about what just happened and sit down at the kitchen table. 

There is some coffee creamer on the table. I grab the creamer and pour some into my coffee. Then I get up and try to find where the silver ware is.

"Mrs. Fischbach where do you keep the silver ware?" It takes her a few seconds to register what I asked, but she eventually answers me.

"They are in the top row of drawers furthest to the left."

"Okay thanks." I say pulling open the drawer and finding the silverware. I take out a butter knife to stir in my creamer. And I return to my seat at the kitchen table.


I wake up to my annoying alarm going off. I keep my eyes closed, and I am searching around for my phone, to turn my alarm off. After I little bit of looking I find it and spam click the screen, it turns the noise off.

I open my eyes slowly and realize my vision is blurry, from not wearing my glasses or contacts. After realizing this I reach over to my nightstand and fumble around trying to find my glasses. I put them on and immediately my vision is better.

Wow, I really do have horrible vision.  Ah it's fine. I think, I sit there for a little bit getting used to being awake. Then I realize, today is my last day with (Y/N), before I go back to California. Should I ask her to move  to California with me?

I mean it can come off as clingy or that this relationship is moving too fast. But I mean she has already agreed to coming to Ohio with me to meet my family sooo. I don't know I might as well ask her. The worst she can say is no. 

Also, it would be better to live closer anyway because I am technically her boss now. And if she doesn't want to live with me she can live in a little apartment or something. Or she can live with Kathryn if she wants to.

Yeah, that could work and I will have her meet Ethan and Tyler. But it will take her a few days to move to California. Good thing she doesn't have any pets or that would take even longer. Speaking of pets she is going to be able to meet Chica!

I finally stop thinking and get out of bed ready to conquer the day. But then I look down and notice that I am still in my pajamas. Oh, yeah I need to change. I think face palming myself.

I walk over to my suitcase and start looking for clothes to wear, that are comfortable for driving a long-ass time. I find the sweatshirt (Y/N) gave me and some jeans. I put it on and brush my teeth and stuff. I also fix my horrible looking hair and make it so it is not going everywhere.

Should I wear contacts? Yes. No. Yes. No, fuck it. Wearing my glasses, it is way easier and I don't have to touch my eyeball to put them on. Unlike wearing contacts. I am done getting ready and walk out of my room to the kitchen.

When  I am able to see the kitchen I see (Y/N) sitting at the kitchen table drinking some coffee. My mom is across from her reading the newspaper. Wow, she still reads the newspaper. I continue walking into the kitchen and then (Y/N) notices me.

She turns her head around and announces "Oh good morning Mark."

"Good morning (Y/N)." My mom notices us exchanging greetings and looks up from her newspaper.

"Good morning Mark. I didn't hear you come into the kitchen." All of us stop talking after that comment. I walk over to the coffee maker and get a coffee mug and pour out some coffee for myself.

Once I do that I walk back to the kitchen table and sit on the end. I put a little bit of creamer in my coffee. We all just sit there is silence for a little bit. Then (Y/N) breaks the silence.

"Hey Mark what time should we leave to go back to Chicago?" 

I look over at the clock to see the time and see that it is 8:32. And it takes about 4 hours and 30 minutes to get there. If we leave at nine then we would arrive at about 1:30.

"We can leave at nine and would arrive at about 1:30."

"Okay that's fine I will go get ready to leave." (Y/N) announces getting up from the table and walking back to her room. I do the same and begin packing again. While packing my mind trails off.

I should ask (Y/N) if she wants to come to California with me when we get back to her house. Or should I ask her when we are in the car. I will ask her when we get to her apartment, so it is not as awkward. Yeah, that's what I will do.

I finish packing and walk out of my room to bring my suitcase to the car. I grab my keys and open the trunk when I get outside. As I am walking back inside (Y/N) is walking back outside to put her suitcase in the trunk.

I go back inside to say one last check to make sure I got everything. Then I say goodbye to my mom and my brother. I think Thomas is leaving tomorrow to go back to his house. (Y/N) comes back inside to check one last time, and she says goodbye.

Then we both get into the car and start driving back to (Y/N)'s apartment. We are both talking on the way back and playing some car games. (Y/N) wins most of them because she is able to move around more than me.

Then we get to the boring part of the scenery and because of that we can't play anymore games. So I turn on some music. We both are singing every word and probably scaring some of the other drivers.

After a couple hours of driving we both get hungry, so we find a fast food place to get food. We also find a gas station, so I can refill on gas while (Y/N) gets food. I tell (Y/N) what I want, and she goes in and orders the food.

While she is getting the food I go into the gas station and pay for the gas and then fill up my tank. I finish filling up with gas and see (Y/N) walking back with the food. She starts eating her food in the car, while I go to the fast food place and use the restroom.

When I get back I eat my food and then once I finish we get back on the road. We only have about 2 hours left in driving. And we continue listening to music and talking.


We are finally in Chicago again and now (Y/N) just has to direct me to her apartment again because I don't have it memorized where she lives. We get to her apartment and I walk her to her apartment.

We opens the door and I walk in with her she puts her suitcase in her room, and I am thinking in my head how I want to phrase it. She comes back from her room and I rip the band-aid off and say it.

"(Y/N) do you want to move to California with me?" The room falls silent as soon as those words were spoken.

(A/N) I have finished editing my chapters. Just thought I should let you people know. Buh-bye

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