Chapter 9

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We begin to walk over to the panel and I start to feel butterflies in my stomach.  It's okay you have done this once before. I can do it. You are not alone, Mark is going to be there with you. Okay, stop having feelings for him. He is your boss now! 

 I decide to open up my phone and check my animation once we get there. I begin to calm down and I try not to think about what is going to happen.  It's fine. Everything is fine. 

 I check my animation one last time and then someone comes and tells us that there is 15 minutes until the panel starts. I start mentally preparing myself for all the people that are going to be there. Mark notices that I am freaking out about this and walks over to me. 

"Hey (Y/N). How are you doing?" He inquires.

 I say nothing and just focus on trying to stay calm. He then starts to rub circles on my back and I start to calm down even more. I take a huge breath and I can feel Mark's hand on my back.

 He tries to calm me down even more and says " It's okay. You are going to do great. It's just like yesterday and remember you are not alone." He turns to look at me and smiles. I smile back, finally feeling fully calm. 

He speaks again " We have to get you ready with a mic." He stands up and I stand up once I notice. We walk over to get the mic and Mark explains to them that I am going to be doing it with him.

I am standing there awkwardly while he is talking to all the production people. They are all okay with this, and they give me a mic. I am hyping up myself jumping up and down. I think about everything I will possibly have to say. I look over at Mark and see him doing the same. I feel ready to go on stage and then the announcer speaks, just like last time.

 "Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to PAX 2018." the whole crowd starts cheering. "This panel will be featuring Markiplier." Mark walks out on stage, waving to everyone. 

"And we have a special guest for the panel. It is another one of Mark's friends, (Y/N)." I walk out on stage and start waving at all the people.

 I hear some of them screaming " I RECOGNIZE HER, SHE IS JACKSEPTICEYE'S SISTER!"

 They all start screaming once they hear that one person say that. I walk all the way to where Mark is standing and stand next to him. He smiles at me telling me this is going to be fine.

The panel continues and Mark explains how I am his personal animator. Also, that I am actually Jacksepticeye's sister. 

Some people in the crowd shout "I CAN TELL SHE IS BY HER ACCENT. IT IS EXACTLY LIKE JACK'S."

 We finally get to the part where we show the animation. We explain that it is just a sneak peek of the next animation and that it is for Cuphead. Mark and I walk to one side of the screen so everyone can see. 

They turn off all the lights and the projector turns on. I look at the projector and watch my animation. Once it was done, everyone went crazy. I started to feel my cheeks heat up. I have never had this great of a reaction to something I made or did. 

Mark turned to me and was smiling, he looked so happy for me. I was also happy, I could tell that I was smiling. I look out into the crowd and see everyone is standing up and cheering. They are all shouting really positive things and complimenting my animation. 

This is insane how people who never met each other, could be so much like a family. I have never felt so proud to be here. I guess I am technically part of this community, and I am so happy to be.

After about 5-10 minutes of everyone cheering, they all settled down and Mark began talking again. 

"Well, I can see you all like my new animator." Mark acknowledged. They all cheered as in a response of yes. Mark and I talked for a bit. Then it was Q&A time. Mark and I walked to separate sides of the stage to answer the questions on each side. I walked to the right and Mark walked to the left.

What You Thought Was Just Going To Be A Friendship (Markiplier X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now