Chapter 23

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When Mark says those words my brain freezes. I can't think of what to respond. I didn't expect him to ask me that. I mean I would love to move to California with him. But then I would leave Sam. She would be happy for me if I moved to California with him.

Well I can't stand here and think all day, Mark is waiting for a response. I think of a response fast and  make sure it sounds good in my head. Then I just say it.

"Yes. I would love to move to California with you Mark." I embrace him in a tight hug after I speak. He hugs back and I can feel his energy and tell that he is ecstatic. He pulls me away from the hug.

He has a huge smile across his face. He grabs the sides of my face, making sure I am staring in his sparkling brown eyes. Then he pulls me into kiss. We both close our eyes and just enjoy this sweet moment.

As we are kissing I move my hands up to his head, instead of by my sides. I start messing with his hair making it even more fluffy than it was before. We finally break away from the kiss and Mark looks ridiculous with his hair going everywhere.

I start giggling which I never I would actually do. But this weirdo in front me, brings out parts that I don't usually show. For example, I become more outgoing, and I am magically able to talk in front of huge crowds and a camera. I just don't know how I would live without him by my side.

I stop thinking, because Mark finally about what fucking just happened. "(Y/N) I am so happy that you would love to move with me to California." Mark says smiling from ear to ear.

"Yeah I am so excited to be moving to California. But, how I am going to get all of my furniture and stuff all the way across the nation?" Mark thinks for a bit about how we would accomplish this. Then his face lights up.

"ROAD TRIP!!!!!!" Mark shouts into the oblivion. I flinch back form him shouting so loud. Well I mean he didn't shout as loud as Jack does, but it still scared the living daylights out of me.

"Yeah that would be perfect! We just need to find a car big enough to hold all of my belongings."

"We could rent a U-Haul truck."

"Yeah that could work. When would we begin our road trip?"

"Uh.... Maybe in a few days. But how are we going to get our cars to California, if we are going to rent the U-Haul truck?"

"Okay I got it, maybe we could have someone drive the U-Haul truck for us. And I could possibly get Sam to drive my car, and we can both drive in your car."

"Yeah that could work, and we would just have to stop somewhere in the middle of our trip."

"Yeah just whenever we get tired we could stop  and just sleep at like a motel nearby."

"This is a good plan, now we just need to rent the U-Haul truck, ask Sam to drive your car, and pack up all your stuff into boxes."

"Yep. It sounds like a lot of work, but we can check two of those things off our list today."

"Yeah I will call U-Haul to rent a truck for July 2nd, so we have 3 days to pack up all of your things." Mark says pulling out his phone from his pocket. I decide to take out my phone and text Sam to ask her about driving my car to California.

"Hey Sam." It takes Sam no time at all to respond. She probably misses me because I haven't seen her for about four days.

"Hey (Y/N) what's up. I haven't seen you in FOREVER." See I told you that she missed me.

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