Chapter 17

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(A/N) There are some feels in this chapter so be prepared.


I mentally prepare myself to have dinner with Mark's Mom. I hope I don't screw this up.  We get to the table and Thomas is already sitting down. Mark sits down and I sit down next to him. My hands start getting sweaty from me being nervous.

Mark notices this and reaches his hand for mine. I grab his hand and it calms me down knowing that he is with me. You got this (Y/N)! Yes, brain I am encouraging myself. It is called self-encouragement!

After my self-encouragement, I am ready for this, and I am not nervous. Is it bad that something as small as meeting someone's parents, I get nervous about? No its fine this happens to everyone. I think it is just because I like Mark so much, that I don't want to mess this up and lose him.

I snap away from my thoughts and refocus on the real world. At this time Mrs. Fischbach has sat down with us. Mark breaks the silence. "So what are we having for dinner mother?" Mark inquires wanting her to explain.

"We are having chicken and dumplings, you're favorite Mark. The chicken has been roasted in the oven and the dumplings are potato dumplings." Mrs. Fischbach explains. I can sense that Mark is excited. I mean she did say that this is Mark's favorite meal.

"Oh, yay. I can't wait to eat it." Mark exclaims, excitedly. There is silence, and then we all start getting our food. Mark takes my plates before I can even touch it. He starts putting some food on my plate and then hands it back to me.

I take the napkin that has been laid out and put it on my lap, like a civilized person. I see out the corner of my eye that Mark starts putting food on his plate. Thomas and Mrs. Fischbach are also getting food.

Once we have all got our food, we begin to eat. I try to keep my face clean and try not to make a mess.  After I take my first bite of the dumpling my eyes go wide. And I can tell everyone notices. "Do you like the dumplings (Y/N)?" Mrs. Fischbach questioned me.

I finish swallowing and respond "Yeah their great."

 She smiles after I say that, and then she responds "Thank you (Y/N)." I nod as if saying "No problem." She gets the message and nods back.

"Yeah, you knocked it out of the park again Mom." Mark comments. In the corner of my eye, Thomas nods as if agreeing with Mark. 

"Thank you, Mark." We continue to eat, I am still trying to set a good example for myself.

"So (Y/N) what do you do for a living?" Mrs. Fischbach inquires. I freeze up at the sudden noise in the room. But I get over it and swallow my bite.

 "Well, I am an animator. I did work for this one guy, but he wasn't a very "good" boss. I have wanted to stop working for him for a while and when I met Mark, he suggested that I become his animator. So yeah that's how I get the money." 

Mark budges into the conversation "Yeah (Y/N) is a great artist and a great animator. And I think she brought her animating things, so I can show you some of her stuff." 

"Yeah, I can show you my animations, if you would like." 

"Yeah, that would be nice (Y/N)." Mrs. Fischbach responds. We all stop talking and continue to eat. I have noticed that Thomas is not very talkative. I mean I don't blame him, it can be kinda awkward with your younger brother's girlfriend eating dinner with you.

"Where do you live (Y/N)?" Mrs. Fischbach inquires. 

After being polite and swallowing I respond, "Oh I live in a little apartment in Chicago."

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