Chapter 28

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Sam and I continue to talk and screaming at the TV when people are being stupid on it. Little unknown fact, Sam can get angry at things very easily, especially when it is just someone not using common sense. But I mean it's one of the reasons she is a great friend, she always stands up for me.

I have become so mesmerized by the TV show that I don't hear the door to Mark's office open. Then suddenly I feel Mark's arms wrap around my neck, scaring me half to death. 

"Mark! Why does everyone love scaring me so much!" I exclaim.

Sam jumps in " Cuz it's fun to see your reaction. You jump so easily."

"Okay true." I agree, pointing at Sam as I speak.

"Yeah and I think it is kinda cute." Mark comments.

"Awww thanks Mark."

"Ugh you two are soooo cheesy." Sam complains.

"Okay well (Y/N) we should start getting ready to head to the beach." 

"Oh yeah, I will go get my swimsuit on upstairs, Sam come with I need your advice on which one."

"Oooooh yay!" Sam says running ahead me as I walk up the stairs.

I finish walking up the stairs and walk into the room Mark and I are sharing. Sam is waiting for me bouncing up and down on the bed, sitting Indian style.

"Okay I'll get my swimsuits from my suitcase and then try them on one by one, and you let me know which one is the best."

"Yep gotcha." Sam says enthusiastically. 

I walk over to my suitcase and grab all of my swimsuits, which is not many, and then head to the bathroom. I try on the first swimsuit then walk out to present it to Sam. The first one is, two piece which is, a dark blue swimsuit with just little imprints of flowers on the sides.

"Oooooh okay I like this one, but I feel like you should wear a brighter color one."

"Okay gotcha, I have a lighter colored one."

I walk back into the bathroom and try on another swimsuit. This one is plain yellow on the bottom piece, then the top has sunflowers on it and is mainly white. I walk out showing off the swimsuit to Sam.

"Oooh yas I love this one! Very bright and summery."

"Okay, I just have one more that I think is pretty cute." I say returning to the bathroom once again.

I put on the last swimsuit. This final one is a two piece which is mostly white with hibiscus flowers on it. And is high waisted and lace up in the front of the top piece. I walk out once again.

"Oooooh yas! This is my favorite by far! Yasss queen work!"

"Lol thanks Sam. Okay then I will wear this one to the beach."

I walk back into the bathroom and put my shirt and shorts over the swimsuit. I walk back out and Sam and I walk back downstairs together.

"Okay I have successfully picked out my swimsuit, with the help of Sam of course." I say gesturing towards Sam.

"Okay nice. I will go upstairs and put on my swim trunks." Mark walks up the stairs and I hear the bedroom door close behind him. Shortly after Mark walked upstairs he walks back downstairs.

"Wow that was fast." I exclaim.

"Yeah I just put on a random pair of swim trunks I had." Marks says laughing a little.

What You Thought Was Just Going To Be A Friendship (Markiplier X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now