Chapter 6

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Sam and I decide to hang out backstage. We have to weave through tons of crowds to get to where the panel is. All I can hear is just people screaming "MARK! JACK! IT'S REALLY THEM!" and other stuff along those lines. My anxiety is starting to work up again but I stay calm. We finally arrive backstage.

"(Y/N), Mark and I need to go get ready for the panel. You guys can just get comfortable. We will be back." Jack tells me before he has to leave.

 "Well, Sam what do you think so far?" I question. 

"Oh My God! It's amazing! I just got to meet my two idols and now you are working for one of them. This day could not get any better."(or could it dun dun dun!!! Okay I'll stop)

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." Sam stares at me weird for a second. "Aren't you enjoying yourself?" Sam questions me. I ponder about it for a second. Well I mean I am but then also. Ugh, I don't know anymore.

"I mean yeah. But I don't really like big crowds and that is all that is here." I say sitting down and putting my head in my hands. Sam starts rubbing my back clearly noticing that I am stressed. It helps calm me down and feel that I am safe. I soon pick up my head, and I am calm now.

"Are you okay (Y/N)?" Sam says looking at me.

"Yeah, I just had to think for a little bit and calm down."

 "Hey (Y/N) look there is an ice cream dispenser here," Sam says pointing to it. My eyes immediately light up." I'll be right back." Sam says. After a few seconds, Sam is back with ice cream.

"Oooh yay! Thanks, Sam!" I say grabbing the ice cream out of her hands.

 "Well, I see you two found the ice cream," Jack says walking back. We both nod our heads. "Well our panel is about to start in about 5-10 minutes and you two can sit on that couch and watch." Jack says pointing to the couch right next to the stage." We should probably head over there." Jack says. 

"Wait! I need them to meet some people." Mark says.

Then two men come out from around the corner."(Y/N) and Sam this is Bob and Wade." Mark said pointing to each of them. They both wave and hold out their hands for a handshake.

"Well, it is very nice to meet you too," I say shaking their hands and Sam does the same.

Then an announcer comes over the speaker "The panel is going to start in about 1 minute."

 "Well, that's our cue to leave," Jack says. They all walk over to the side of the stage waiting to be called. Sam and I walk over and sit on the couch.

The announcer comes back on and states" Ladies and gentlemen welcome to PAX 2018." The whole crowd starts cheering and screaming. I don't understand how they can do this. Just walk up there and talk to all those people. 

The announcer speaks once again"Now for your panel let me introduce Muyskerm, Lordminion777, Jacksepticeye and lastly Markiplier." They all walk on stage as their name is called. The whole crowd is screaming until finally, someone speaks.

"Hello Everyone!" Mark says. They all continue talking and then it comes to Q&A. One of the audience members asks Jack

"How many siblings do you have?"

 Jack responds "Oh well I only have one and her name is (Y/N). And as a matter of fact, she is actually her right now." Jack says gesturing for me to come on stage. I start freaking out and then suddenly Sam pushes me onto the stage.

All I see is tons of faces all cheering for me. I wave and walk over to Jack. He hugs me and I hug back. The whole crowd aw's at this adorable moment. One of the stage crew comes running out to hand me a microphone. I take it and say

 "Hello everyone. I'm (Y/N) and I am Jacksepticeye's sister." The whole crowd cheers for me. Wow. This is crazy. I never knew these many people would be cheering for me. Now I see how they can do this. I stand up there talking until the panel ends. We all walk off-stage. I feel a wave of relief right when I am out of sight of the audience.

"You did great (Y/N)!" Sam says embracing me in a hug.

"Yeah, you were great out there," Jack says and embraces me in a hug once Sam is done. 

"Well, I would have never had done it if it wasn't for Sam pushing me out there,"I say happily.

"I would have warned you but I didn't know Jack was going to do that," Mark says elbowing Jack. 

"Hey, dude! What was that for!" Jack responds.

 "I don't know really," Mark says rubbing the back of his neck. We all break out laughing.

Once we all calmed down from our laughter. We walk out of the backstage area. Bob and Wade go to have lunch with their wives. Then Mark goes to his signing and it is just Jack, Sam, and I left. 

"Well, what do you want to do?" Jack asks.

 "Well, we can just walk around PAX and check out all the stuff," Sam suggests. 

"Yeah, that would be cool. They always have cool stuff here." Jack agrees.

 We walk around PAX for a good hour or two, occasionally stopping to take pictures with some people. Some people even ask for pictures with me. Instead of just Jack. I loved seeing all of their faces when they see us. They just fill me with tons of joy.

Eventually, we run into Mark again." Oh, (Y/N) I was thinking we could go to Starbucks after this and discuss some stuff for animations." Mark suggested. 

"Yeah, that would be cool. I just need to head back to my apartment to get my computer." I agree. 

"Okay. Well, I am done with panels and signings for today, so we can go now." Mark explains. "And I can drive to your apartment. If that's okay with you?" Mark says rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Yeah, that would be fine." I hand my keys to Jack and say "Here if we are not back by the time you want to leave. You can take my car home." 

"Okay. Well, I will meet you back at your place. Jack says walking away with Sam. 

"Okay well, my car is this way,"Mark says pointing in the direction of his car.

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