Chapter 12

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I wake up to the smell of bacon wafting from the kitchen. I slowly open my eyes, adjusting to being awake. When I get out of my bed I feel a chill go down my spine from the sudden cold. I look in the mirror to see if I look at least decent. I open my door and see Mark cooking.

"Hi, Mark," I say quietly, not wanting to wake up fully. Mark's hair is still messed up, and he is wearing his pajamas. His back is turned to me, and he is focused on cooking.

Oh, god. His ass looks so good. Do I have feelings for him? Yes, I do and I accept it. He is just so handsome. He also has a wonderful personality. Oh, I just want him to be mine. But, I don't know if he has feelings for me. I guess I will find out eventually.

I stop thinking when he speaks" Good morning sleepy head."

 I giggle a little at his comment. I walk over and sit on the other side of the island. After a little bit, he turns around with two plates in his hands. He places one in front of me and one in front of him.

"Thanks. You know you didn't have to cook. You're the guest." I comment. He smiles a little. 

"Well, I just wanted to do something nice." He says smiling. He sits down and we both start eating.

 In between bites, I speak "What do you want to do today?" Mark finishes his bite and responds. 

"We can just stay here. I was wanting to catch up on a TV show anyway."

 "What TV show?" I inquire.

 "The Flash,"Mark responds.

When I hear him say that I immediately stop eating. "Omg! I love that show! Wait one sec, I need to go get something from my room." I comment. I run to my room and get my Flash hat. I run back out and show it to Mark.

 Mark gets off of his chair and walks over to me. "That is so cool!" Mark exclaims. "Can I try it on?" Mark asks. 

"Yeah sure," I say handing it to him.

He puts it on and starts walking around like it is a fashion show. He puts his hands on his hips and swings his butt back and forth.

 "Whoo! Work it!" I yell cheering him on. He smiles and we both start laughing.

 "We are both ridiculous," Mark says, still laughing. I nod in agreement.

Once we stop laughing and Mark gives me my hat back, we both finish eating. "Do you want to start watching The Flash?" I inquire. 

"Yeah sure." Mark agrees. I walk over to the couch, grab my fuzzy blanket and sit down. Mark comes and sits next to me.

"Okay. What episode are you on?" I ask. 

"Uhh. Season 3 episode 23." Mark explains.

 "Oh, you are going to cry. I did the first time I watched it." I comment. 

"Oh no, and I am a huge crybaby when it comes to movies or TV shows." Mark comments. 

"Yeah, same," I say.

I start the episode and Mark mouths the words to the intro. He is so adorable. We watch for about 10 minutes and I can already feel myself moving slowly closer to Mark. Eventually, my arm is up against his. He doesn't move or flinch, so I just go with it. He moves his arm and puts it around me.

We stay like this. Then we start nearing the end of the episode, where the sad part is. I move even closer to Mark. The sad part happens and I my eyes start watering and I begin crying. I can see Mark does too.

 I cuddle into his chest, crying. He just starts rubbing circles on my back. I stay cuddled in his chest until the episode ends. I pull my head out of his chest, and he looks at me and I look at him.

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