Chapter 15

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. With my eyes still closed, I reach for my phone to turn it off. After a few seconds of searching for it blindly, I find and start tapping the screen like crazy, trying to turn it off. 

I finally get it and that horrible sound stops. I open my eyes and adjust to the light of the outside world. I roll out of bed and put on some slippers that I have near my bed.

I open my door and see that Mark is just getting up too. He stretches his arms out and yawns. After he is done stretching, he turns around and notices my presence. "Oh good morning (Y/N)."

 I respond also sleepy "Good morning Markimoo." He smiles a little at how I call him Markimoo.

I walk over to the kitchen and look at the kitchen clock. It says that it is 7:30. That explains why I am so sleepy. I just take some Pop-tarts out of the cabinet and eat that. I am too tired to make anything. I walk over to Mark and hand him a package of Pop-tarts. He smiles and takes it and starts eating it.

We continue eating and watch some TV while we eat. Both of us are really tired. But I think I am more tired than him. I haven't woken up this early since I was in school. Ugh, I hated waking up early for school and I would never talk in the morning. Now I get to decide when I can wake up. Except for today because I have to go somewhere.

Mark gets up and throws his garbage away. I am still sitting there eating because I got lost in my train of thought. Mark comes back and sits next to me. I instinctively lay my head on his chest, cuddling into him, wanting to go back to sleep.

He rubs circles on my back, which made me want to fall asleep even more. But, I keep myself awake, knowing that I have to be somewhere. After about 10 minutes of us cuddling, I jerk my head up and just sit next to him.

 He stops rubbing my back and smiles at me. I smile back at him. He kisses my forehead and gets up and walks to the bathroom to get ready. I do the same and walk to my room to get ready.

I loved how we just had a silent conversation. It was like we knew what each other were thinking. I stop zoning out and pick out my outfit. I pick out one that is comfortable, yet nice looking. I throw it on and do my makeup, so it doesn't look like I am tired. I finish getting ready and pack up the last few things.

I walk out of my room and look at the kitchen clock, it is 8:45. We have just enough to pack the car and drive there. Mark also walks out of the bathroom ready to go. I am feeling a little less tired. So I decided to speak "What car are we taking?"

"We can take mine, so I can drive you back home when I drive back to California," Mark responds. 

"Okay." I agreed,"Are you ready to pack the car?" 

"Yeah," Mark responds getting his stuff together.

We put all our things in Mark's car trunk and get in the car. Mark drives because it is his car. He sets up his phone with google maps. I sit in the passenger seat and as soon as we start driving, I start dozing off.


I wake up and adjust my eyes to the bright sun coming from the window. It takes a second for me to realize where I am because all I see out the window is corn. Mark realizes that I am moving and awake.

"Well good morning sleepy head," Mark says not taking his eyes off the road.

 "Good morning," I respond still a little sleepy. "Where are we, Markimoo?" He smiles a little at my ignorance. 

"We are in Indiana." Mark comments.

 "Wow. I never knew how many cornfields there are in Indiana." I explain.

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