Chapter 7

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I walk with Mark to his car. OMG. This is really happening. But is it a date or are we just hanging out? I am just going to act like we are hanging out and that we are just friends. Because I don't know how he feels about me. No! Stop thinking you like him! You just fucking met him! We make it to his car, and he opens the door for me. Wow, what a gentleman.

"Thank you." I thank him for opening the car door.

 "No problem." He responds. He closes the door once I am inside and walks around to his side. He gets in the car. "You can pick the music I don't care," Mark says backing out of the parking spot. 

"Oh. Do you mind if I play my Spotify playlist." I ask just needing to relax and enjoy my music. 

"Oh no. It's fine. I have an aux cord down there." He points towards the cup holder. I see it and plug it into my phone.

Immediately one of my favorite songs comes on it is "One Foot" by WALK THE MOON. I start mouthing the words and dancing a little bit. I can see from the corner of my eye Mark smiling. 

"Oh, you are going to have to tell me where you live," Mark says.

 "Oh yeah," I tell him all the directions and in about 15 minutes we were at my apartment building. We both get out of the car and walk inside the building. We get on the elevator and then arrive at my floor. 

Then I suddenly realize Oh shoot! I gave my car keys to Jack and that has my apartment key on it. Then I remember I always keep a spare key in my purse. I start looking for it and I finally find it. I unlock my apartment.

"You can come inside,"I tell Mark from inside my apartment.

He responds with "Okay."


I walk into (Y/N)'s apartment. I can tell it is very clean and organized. I can't believe that actually worked! *Mentally high fives self*  But we are just going to be friends. I just met her I can't already have feelings for her. *Mentally slaps self*  No! Don't think like that Markimoo. 

Why did I just call myself Markimoo? I am weird. But at least she isn't a fangirl. She is a very well-kept person. Look there's Jack's suitcase. I guess he's staying here for PAX. They seem very close.

I continue to look around her place. She has a lot of art and it is very well decorated. Then she comes back out of her room with her computer in hand. 

"You ready to go?" I ask.


I respond "Yeah." 

We walk out of my apartment and I lock my door. We both walk back to his car. He drives to the nearest Starbucks. He finds a parking spot and we both get out. We find a table. I take my computer out of its case. 

My computer is so cool I can draw on it and it turns into a tablet. It is the computer I got from Jack for my birthday and of course, he doesn't know anything about drawing. So he just got me a cool computer that he found. I don't use it for animating tho, because none of the applications I use work very well on the computer.

"Okay. So I was thinking that we can look at some videos, and choose which one to use for the animation." Mark explains.

 "Yeah, that would be fine," I respond and start turning on my computer. I look up YouTube. "Uhhh. How do you spell your YouTube channel?" I ask Mark. We both start laughing at how horrible I am at spelling.

"It is Markiplier. Mark-i-p-l-i-e-r." He spells out to me.

 I type it in and see that he has 20 million subscribers! HOLY SHIT! This man I popular! And to think this is just a regular everyday guy. Same with Jack. They are doing what the love and gain a following for it.

What You Thought Was Just Going To Be A Friendship (Markiplier X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now