Chapter 10

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I wake up to my phone's alarm. I turn it off and I lay in bed for a little. Then it hits me what today is. I jump up and get out of the bed. Wow! I can't believe I totally forgot that today is the last day of PAX. 

Also, it is the last day Jack is here, and then he has to return home to Ireland. Oh, No! What if today is Mark's last day here too. Noooo. I don't want him to leave. I will ask Jack when he wakes up about further details.

I stand up and walk out of my room to see a sleeping Jack. I decide to wake him up because soon we have to leave. I walk over to the couch and shake him while saying "JACK WAKE UP!" right in his ear. He jerks awake and it takes him a second to realize what had just happened. 

He finally overcomes the sudden shock and responds with "Good morning (Y/N)."

I walk over to the kitchen and start to make some breakfast. I finish making breakfast and Jack and I finish eating. I start to get ready for the day and so does he. Right after I am done getting ready my doorbell rings. I walk to the door expecting it to be Sam. I open the door and see that it is Sam and Mark.

What the fuck! Why would Sam bring Mark here? I mean I look decent but it is really early in the morning, and I am not very talkative in the morning. Except for screaming in people's ears to wake them up. I get over the fact that Mark is here and invite them inside. Sam has a huge smile on her face and I can tell she is proud of what she did.

"Uh, Sam can you help me with my makeup for a second please?" I ask trying to get her away from Mark and Jack, so I can talk to her.

 She has a confused expression on her face when I asked her. 

I just stared at her with really big eyes, and she finally responded. "Oh yeah sure." She slowly walks into my room and I shove her in when she gets close and close the door.

"What the fuck were you thinking!?" I comment trying to keep my voice down.

 "Well, I could tell you liked him, so I decided to make it a surprise to bring him over here," Sam responds crossing her arms, defending her point.

 "Keep your voice down he is right outside I don't want him to hear us," I explain moving closer towards Sam, so we can just whisper instead of normal talking.

"Okay, okay. I will keep my voice down." She finally agrees. I feel a sigh of relief when she says that. I walk to the door and open it to see Jack up and about. Jack and Mark both look at us when we exit the room. I start up a conversation to make it feel less awkward.

"So are all of you ready to go?" I question. 

They respond in agreement and we head out the door. We make our way to PAX, and we are all talking. When we get there I find a parking spot, and we walk inside. I don't think Mark has any more panels to go to today. Sam and Jack split up from Mark and I. We stand there awkwardly then Mark speaks.

"(Y/N), I have no panels today, so we can just walk around if you want." He suggests.

 "Yeah, that seems like fun." I agree.

 We walk over to the place where you are able to play some of the games. On the way, we run into more fans and take pictures with them. Oh, how I love meeting all the fans. They are all just so happy and it just brightens my day. I notice a two-player game that Mark and I can play.

"Hey, do you want to play that game. It's for two people." I explain pointing to it in the distance. He looks where I am pointing. I can see in the corner of my eye him squinting trying to see it, with the help of my finger guiding him. 

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