Chapter 2

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    I continue to work on my animation. I am sitting in my fuzzy blanket with my drawing pen in hand. I was determined to finish this animation before tomorrow. Before I knew it my eyes started to droop. I look over at my phone to look at the time.

   OMG! It is already 1 am. I was so focused on animating that I didn't realize what time it was. I should probably go to bed. But I would rather be sleep deprived then lose my job.
Then a good song that I love came on and I got up and started dancing.

   From this sudden rush of energy, I scream "SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!!"

   Now I am starting to realize how much I am like my brother. Now that I am awake I sit back down in my chair and start animating again because if I don't finish it my boss will kill me.

    Before I knew it my eyes were dropping and this time I couldn't stop them. Eventually, I passed out on my desk sleeping.


I woke up from the sound of my phone buzzing. I slowly open my eyes, so they can adjust to the light coming from my window. I feel a sharp pain in my neck from sleeping on my desk. I stretch out and adjust to my surroundings trying not to fall out of my chair. I eventually look at my phone and see that Sam has been texting me like crazy. I unlock my phone and start to read all the messages.


"(Y/N) are you up?"


"Did you fall asleep animating again?"

"If you don't respond soon. I am going to come to your apartment."

"Okay. I am coming to your apartment."

Oh, shoot! I need to get ready cuz Sam is probably going to be here soon. I looked at the time it is 9:30. Sam should be here any minute. Well knowing Sam she will probably be late.

I immediately get out of my chair and start getting my outfit together. I put on my outfit and do my makeup for the day. And the one freaking time I have to rush to get my makeup done, I can't get my eyeliner right!? Finally, after about a hundred times of trying my eyeliner, I get it right. I spray my hair with some dry shampoo, so it looks a little decent.

I start wondering where Sam is taking me. Knowing her we are just going to go to the mall or something. I am just glad it isn't night, because then she would take me to a bar. And I am not getting drunk with her ever again!

After getting myself presentable to other people. I clean up my apartment. First, I make my bed and put my clothes from the other day in the laundry. Now that my room is finally clean, I can finally relax. Right as I was about to sit and watch some Netflix. I hear the doorbell ring. I run to the door ready to greet Sam. When I open the door, I see Sam with her foot up about to kick the door down.

"Ummm. Hi Sam."

"Oh, My Gosh (Y/N)! I thought you were dead!"

She runs at me embracing me in a hug. I don't hug back because she is hugging me so hard I can't move my arms.

"Uh, Sam. I can't move my arms."

"Oh sorry. I didn't mean to."

"It's fine. So where are we going?"

"Well, I was just thinking we could go to the mall after I knew that you were alive."

"Okay cool beans. I am fine with that."

"Seriously. Okay, I'll drive."

I go back into my apartment and grab my purse, that goes across my body. I look one more time in the mirror and for once in my life, I actually look kinda cute. I was wearing my favorite red flannel and jeans that complimented my (E/C) eyes. Knowing that we lived in Chicago, I knew it wasn't going to be that hot. I mean one time it snowed during April. My (H/C) colored hair was slightly curled. Sam was wearing her Jacksepticeye shirt with a Sam septiceye hat, that I got her once for her birthday.

"You ready?"

"Yeah. I just need to get my keys then I am ready to go."

Before I leave I grab a protein bar to eat on the way. I grab my apartment keys, making sure not to get locked out again. I walk out the door and lock it, making sure it is locked.

"Hey, can I play my music in the car?"

"Yeah I don't care, Sam, I need to wake up anyways, cuz I haven't had my coffee this morning."

"Okay well. Do you want to go to Starbucks before we go to the mall?"

"Oooh yay. I can get an S'mores frappuccino."

"Oh yeah. I love that drink."

Sam and I walk out of my apartment building. We walk to the parking garage where Sam had parked. Finally, we get to Sam's car and start driving to the mall. Then suddenly one of Sam's favorite songs comes on called "All The Way".

 Which is actually a remix of my brother playing "Happy Wheels". She starts jamming out singing every word. She is practically yelling at the tops of her lungs. Some people driving by gave me some weird looks. My cheeks started to get hot from how embarrassed I was.

I just kept saying in my head this will all be over soon, it's okay you are going to live. You can just say that she is a youtuber and that she always does this. Well I mean she does always do this. Finally, the song is done and me being embarrassed can stop. Right afterward she looks at me and I can immediately tell that she knows I was embarrassed.

"(Y/N) are you okay? I'm sorry if I embarrassed you."

"It's okay Sam."

"I can tell it's not. I'm sorry, I will try not to embarrass you again."

"Well, thanks. But I am sure this will all blow over soon enough."

"Well, we're here where do you want to go first?"

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