Chapter 14

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Did he just ask me to meet his family? I don't know how to respond. I mean it would be nice to meet his family, but I don't want to be rude. You know what, screw it. After thinking, I finally respond. "Yeah, I would love to meet your family," I respond to Mark's question. I could tell that he was getting nervous about what he just said.

"Great. I will tell my family, that we have a special guest coming." Mark announces smiling. He walks over to a corner pulling out his phone. I see him scrolling through his phone, and he finally clicks on something. He holds the phone to his hear and waits for a bit. I hear someone answer the phone.

I don't pay attention to what he is saying and I walk over to the kitchen. We haven't eaten dinner yet, so I decided to make dinner. I look in the fridge and cabinets to see what I can make. I notice that I have some tortillas and beef. I can make some tacos and nachos! I get out some pans and spoons. 

I cook the meat and add some seasoning. Next, I warm up the tortillas and get out the ingredients to put on the tacos. Luckily, I have some nacho cheese in my cabinet and I heat that up. I finish up cooking and see that Mark has finished talking on the phone.

 He turns around and says excitedly "Yay tacos!" 

" And nachos," I add.

 " Nachos! Oh, my gosh (Y/N) you're the best!" Mark exclaims. 

My cheeks get a little red from that last comment. Soon, it goes away, and I am back to my normal skin tone. I place the plates down and we both start eating. 

" Oh, I forgot to ask. What did your family say about me coming along." I inquire, finishing my taco. 

Mark swallows his bite and responds "They said it was fine and that they can't wait to meet you."

"Good. I can't wait to meet them." I comment and smile. 

"I almost forgot to warn you my mom has two dogs, Bubble and Lucy. Bubble is a tiny white dog, that is very energetic. And Lucy is a huge fluffy white dog, that is very loving." Mark explains.

 "No worry, I love doggos. I was actually thinking about getting one." I explain staring off into space for a little bit, looking as if I am thinking.

"Cool, I have a dog of my own back in California. Her name is Chica, and she is a golden retriever." Mark comments. 

"How old is Chica?" I question.

 "She's only 3. So, 27 in dog years." Mark explains.

 "Cute, that means she is still a puppy," I comment. 

"Yeah, and she sure acts like one sometimes," Mark explains, and we both start laughing. 

"How did we just talk about dogs for a good 20 minutes," I say, still laughing.

 "I don't know we are ridiculous human beings." We continue laughing and finally stop.

"When do we need to leave for Ohio?"

"I don't know it all depends on how long it takes to get there from here." 

I take out my phone and look up how long it will take. It says that it will take 4 and a half hours. "My phone says that it will take 4 hours and 30 minutes to get to Cincinnati." "That means we should probably leave at 9:00 am, and we will arrive around 1:30," I comment.

 "Okay, I will tell my mom that we will be there are 1:30," Mark says pulling out his phone and typing.

I wait for Mark to finish typing to continue talking. "Where are we going to stay, because I can look up hotels to stay at."

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