Chapter 24

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*TIME SKIP* To Moving Day

My alarm starts blaring at 4am, I literally jerk awake. I start breathing heavy from being scared. I calm down from being scared and get out of bed. I put on the outfit that I picked out the day before.

I am about to walk out of my bedroom door and into the outside world, but then I turn around and look in the mirror. I jump back a little from me looking like a tired and scared lion.

So I make myself look a little decent and cover my dark circles to make me look awake even though I am not. After tidying myself up, I now notice the scent of coffee coming from the kitchen. 

 I dash out of the door out of the excitement of feeling partially awake again. When I open the door I see that Mark has made some coffee and is still in his pajamas.

"Good morning Mark." I announce entering the kitchen. He turns around with two coffees in his hands.

"Good morning (Y/N). How did you sleep?"

"Meh. I am still really tired." As I say this Mark hands me a coffee." Thank you."

"You're welcome. I am going to finish loading up the car in little bit, after I get dressed."

"Okay I will start loading the car now, so you can get dressed." I respond pouring my coffee into a travel cup to take in Mark's car.

"Why thank you (Y/N). I will go get dressed." mark walks into the bathroom with some clothes from his suitcase.

I walk out of my apartment door, carrying a box. I use the elevator and luckily no one else is awake, so the elevator is empty. When I exit the elevator I don't see anyone at the front desk.

Good. I don't have to talk to anyone. Well I mean I still have to talk to Mark, but I am okay with talking to him.

I get to the car and open the trunk and put the box in it. I walk back up to my apartment and when I get back Mark is done changing. We both continue putting the boxes in the trunk. After about an hour the U-Haul truck comes.

I let the workers into my apartment, and they carry all of my furniture into their truck. With all of us working to put my things in the truck, we finish in about 30 minutes. Right after we finish Sam arrives at my apartment.

"Why hello Sam. You are late as always and avoided doing any work."

"Hello (Y/N) and Mark. Yes I am late but that is on-time for me."

 "Well it's nice to see you Sam. And you are energetic  as usual, even at 5:30 in the morning."

"Yep, well I had like 3-4 cups of coffee."

"Sam that is not very healthy." After I say that Sam pushes me out of the way and runs to my bathroom.

"Well that's what will happen when you drink 3-4 cups of coffee." Mark and I both start start laughing after he says that.

We wait a couple minutes and then Sam comes back.  All of us get into each car we are driving in, and I put our location we are heading too into my GPS. I start driving and Sam follows behind us driving my car. Finally, behind Sam the U-Haul driver is driving his truck.

Not shortly after we start driving Mark falls asleep. I guess he was tired and just wasn't showing it. For once, I'm not the one that is really tired. I'm glad I'm not the one that is tired because I get really "crabby" when I'm tired. Mainly I am just an angsty teen when I am tired and don't want to do anything but sleep.

I continue driving in silence for a while and only once in a while my GPS will something. Then after about 2 hours of driving we enter Iowa. When we pass the sign saying that we made it to Iowa I honk my horn. After I do this I see Mark jerk awake.

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