Chapter 26

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I slowly open my eyes and notice that I am the only one awake and that Chica is laying on top of me. (Y/N) is still sleeping soundly next to me and her face is facing in my direction. I turn to the other side and just lay there just thinking about how I am going to get out of bed.

Okay, so Chica is laying right on top of me. Should I wake her up and then take her outside? Or should I just carefully move my legs out from underneath her and go downstairs? I think the best bet is to just nudge her awake and then I can take her outside.

I stop contemplating my plan of escape and take it into action. I sit upright and gently nudge Chica awake with my hand. Her head perks up and I can see the energy returning into her. I quickly get out of bed and run down the stairs with Chica zooming ahead of me.

Once I get down the stairs, Chica is already sitting by the door waiting to go out. "Come on Chica I'm not as fast as you are," I comment petting her on the head.

I open the door and she darts outside. I close the door once she is outside and I start to make breakfast. I decided to mix it up a little bit and make some waffles. First, I start off with making some batter.

I add some chocolate chips into the batter and I take out some bacon to cook. I turn on the stove and place a pan on it. After a little bit, I hover my hand over the pan and I can feel the heat radiating off of it.

I was just about to put the bacon on the pan when I hear a scratching come from the back door. I turn around and see that Chica is sitting there waiting to be let in. I turn down the heat on the stove before walking over to let Chica inside.

When Chica comes back inside she sits right in front of me waiting for a treat. I open the cabinet right next to the door and grab out the jar of treats. I grab one out and I can see the excitement in Chica's eyes.

"Have you been a good girl?" I ask Chica. She barks at me in response and sticks her tongue out while she is breathing. "Yeah of course you have. You're the best dog ever." I say petting her head and messing up her fur and giving her a treat.

She takes the treat from my hand and runs into the living room to begin eating her reward. I turn back into the kitchen and continue to make breakfast for (Y/N) and myself. I walk back over to the stove and turn the heat back up slightly.

I place the bacon on the pan and it starts to sizzle. While the bacon is cooking I grab the waffle maker from my cabinet above the and plug it into the wall. I focus my attention back on the bacon while the waffle maker is heating up.

The bacon that I had put on previously is now done cooking and I put more bacon on to cook. The waffle maker has finished heating up and I pour some batter into it and close the lid. I continue this process of cooking bacon and waffles.

Then I hear little footsteps walking down the stairs. I turn around and see that it is (Y/N) and she looks as if she has just woken up.

"Well good morning beautiful," I exclaim putting the food on the island.

"Good morning Markimoo." She responds with the sleepiness still in her voice.

"You're just in time for breakfast," I say placing a plate in front of where she is about to sit down.

"Thank you Markimoo."

"Well, you're not a person of many words in the morning," I say sitting down next to her with my plate.

She just smiles and begins to eat her breakfast. I begin to also eat my breakfast and the house is silent, except for Chica eating in the background. We both finish eating around the same time and I put our plates in the dishwasher.

"Are you excited that it's the Fourth Of July?" I question (Y/N), leaning on the counter with one hand on my cheek.

"Yeah of course!" She says with more energy in her voice.

"That's the spirit!" I exclaimed throwing my fist into the air.

"Well I am going to go get dressed and I will be right down." (Y/N) says walking back upstairs.


I walk back upstairs into the room and close the door behind me. I open my suitcase and get out my Fourth Of July clothes that I packed. I walk into the bathroom and put on my clothes and makeup and brush my hair and teeth.

I walk out of the bathroom and put my dirty clothes back in my suitcase because I don't know where Mark wants me to put them. So I walk back downstairs and notice Chica is in the living room eating a treat. I walk over to her and is clearly excited to see me.

While I am petting Chica I notice something is not right. I got all my furniture and boxes from the U-Haul truck, right?  I scan the room to make sure I got everything and yep it's all here. Then it hits me, where's Sam.

"Mark, do you know where Sam is?" I look at him with worry in my face.


I start to get more and more worried. But I look at all the things by the door and Sam's suitcase is there, so she has to be here somewhere.

"Okay it's fine everything is fine. Her suitcase is here so that means that she has to be here somewhere." I exclaim, relaxing a little.

"Okay well let's start looking around the house we'll start from the bottom down, so let's go to the basement," Mark says motioning me towards him.

Chica follows me when I stand up and walk towards Mark. He opens the basement door and turns on the light, and we start walking down the stairs. When I can see the basement this looks like a place Sam would hang out.

There seems like there's a lot of video game memorabilia down here. Also, there is a huge TV with many different consoles hooked up to it. Next, to the TV, there is, of course, a couch and some bean bag chairs. And there are tons of video game posters decorating the walls. Though this place is very cool I don't see Sam anywhere down here.

"I don't see her anywhere." 

"Me neither," Mark responds, looking around. "Well we know she is not on the living room floor so let's check the upstairs," Mark says turning around and walking up the stairs.

We continue up more stairs into the upstairs level. First, we decide to check the first few rooms in the hallway, and then we get down to the end of the hallway with no luck.

"She has to be in here there is no other room in the house that we haven't checked," I exclaim.

After this comment, Mark opens the door, and we see Sam sleeping on the guest bed. A wave of relief comes over me.

"Thank goodness we found you," I say shaking/hugging Sam awake. She, of course, wakes up from this.

"(Y/N), why did you wake me up?" Sam said angrily.

"We didn't know where you were we went looking all over the house to find you."

"Why didn't you just come here first?"

"Wow, you're sassy when you first wake up and don't have your coffee," I comment.

"Yeah I know but you now know where I am so can I just go back to sleep," Sam complains.

"Yeah, I guess so," I say getting off the bed and exiting the room.

"Well I'm glad that's over now we can start planning for Fourth Of July."

(A/N) Hey sorry, it has been so long since I have posted a chapter. I have just been very busy with marching band and high school. From now on I am going to try to post more often. But no promises. Buh-Bye! 

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