Chapter 5

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You wake up from someone shaking you, it is the first day of PAX. You open your eyes slowly and see Jack staring at you.

"Good Morning!" Jack screams in my face.

"Ah! Jeez, can I sleep." I say hiding back under the blankets. Jack rips the blanket back off of me.

"It's the first day of PAX you can't sleep in!" Jack screams

I slowly get out of bed gaining the strength to walk again. Jack runs into the kitchen when I enter and in front of me is breakfast.

"I didn't know you could cook." 

"Oh, I can't. I just bought of all this from McDonald's. Last time I tried to cook I almost set the house on fire."

"Wow. I'm shocked you didn't die wandering around Chicago alone."

"Yeah, same. There are a lot of creepy people in this city. I don't understand how you live here."

"Well, I can say the same about Ireland."


I walk into the kitchen and start eating breakfast. Jack keeps saying how excited he is to meet all of his fans. 

"When is your first panel?"

"It is at 12:00. But before that, I am going to be signing, from 9:00 to 10:00."

"What about Mark? You said that you wanted me to meet him."

"Oh yeah. He doesn't have anything I think until the panel with me. So you two can meet each other while I am signing. I have backstage passes for you and Sam, so you don't have to be swarmed by fangirls when you meet Mark." Jack explains.

"Okay cool beans," I say with my mouth full. I finish up eating and walk to my room. I pick out an outfit. I hear Jack talking to someone at the door. I hear the voice and can tell that it is Sam. I hurry up and do my makeup and stuff. I walk out of my room and immediately Sam yells "Hi (Y/N)!"

"Hi, Sam."

"Oh wait before we leave I need you to wear the Jacksepticeye hat to PAX, so you fit in a little." I grudgingly take the hat and put it on.

"There now you will look like a fangirl."

"Okay so are we ready to leave?" I question.

"We can go now if you are ready."

"Yeah, I'm ready I just need to get my purse and keys."

"Okay cool let's roll," Jack says pointing towards the door.

We walk out of the door and I lock it. We walk down to the car and Jack tells me the direction to PAX. We arrive at PAX and there are tons of people. When I see all of them just a huge wave of anxiety rushes over me. I finally find a parking spot, and we get out of the car. Jack gives us our passes, and we walk inside and through security. Jack leads us to the backstage area. I can see out of the corner of my eye that Sam is jumping up and down with excitement.

"Well, here we are," Jack says gesturing to the backstage area. Sam and I both walk inside. You can tell Sam is looking for someone in particular. She bows her head in shame as I think she didn't find who she was looking for. The amount of all the people is just too much for me, so I decide to head to the bathroom and calm down.

"Hey, Jackaboy. Where are the restrooms?"

"Oh, they are just around the corner."

"Okay, thanks. I will be back soon."

What You Thought Was Just Going To Be A Friendship (Markiplier X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang