Sports Festival 1/2

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"OH SHIT THE SPORTS FESTIVAL IS TODAY?!" I shout, throwing on my gym clothes and bolting out the door, Eijiro hot on my heels. We were already kind of late, but missing the bus to the arena would be too much. We ran all the way there, almost tripping over multiple times in our rush. Every time, we caught eachother. And every time, we blushed.

"SORRY WE'RE LATE!!" we both shout simultaneously, kicking the door to Class 1-A open Bakugou style. Aizawa was standing out the front, face palming.

"Sit down!" he commands and we rush to do as he says, taking our seats.

"You only just made it, we were about to leave," Kaminari whispers, leaning towards me. I smile weakly, glad to have made it. He smiles back.

"Stop whispering like starstruck lovers and pay attention," Aizawa mumbles. Kaminari immediately leans away, his face red, and I dart a glance at Eijiro. He was confused, but he caught my eye and smiled. I smiled back, feeling my eyes soften as the adrenaline leaves my body.

"As I was saying, there will be class groups... yadda yadda yadda, meet me out the front. Let's just get this over with," Aizawa mutters, walking out of the room for once instead of rolling in his sleeping bag. We follow, Kaminari on my left side and Eijiro on my right. Koda and Shoji were talking quietly to eachother at the back of the group, and I was silently screaming about how pure they were. Especially Koda. Reaching the front gate, we find Class 1-B waiting there as well. It had gone down when I wasn't at school, but one of them - I think his name was Shinsoo, or something - had made a declaration of war on our class. It was stupid, but it was what happened.

Pouring onto the bus, nobody said a word the whole trip. It was only half an hour but the atmosphere was so tense I thought a single word would break it. When it finally pulled over in front of the stadium, I think everyone sighed in relief, as there was a sudden whoosh of air around the bus. Pouring into the stadium, a pro hero addresses the class groups. I think her name was Midnight? On my right, Mineta was absolutely dying from a nosebleed.

She explained the rules of the tournament and announced the first competition.

"The first trial shall be..." she paused for effect, waiting for the TV screen above her to display the name.

"The obstacle race!!"

We started walking away when I realised Mineta was still frozen, staring at Midnight. Turning back and driving my fist into the top of Mineta's head to bring him back to reality, he fell to his knees with tears in the corners of his eyes and clutching the top of his head.

"Come on, you perverted grape. We're starting," I say gruffly, stalking back to my other friends. He followed along behind me meekly, still rubbing his head and not saying anything. Lining up at the tunnel leading to the track, I stay around the middle with Eijiro and Kaminari. A minute passes as everyone gets into place, and my heart was fluttering nervously.


I freeze for a second, scared by the sudden shout, but then am shoved forwards by the other students behind me. Trying to keep my footing, I leap forwards, snarling whenever someone hit me. I lost my classmates in the tunnel, but managed to come out the other end before most of the crowd. It was good that I did, as Shoto Todoroki, the son of Endeavor, was freezing the ground in an attempt to slow the rest of us down. Leaping above the wave, I skid along the surface and almost fall over before I feel someone help me regain my balance.

"Thank me later!" Eijiro cries, running ahead of me. I smile, running after him as the crowd behind me tries to free their legs from the ice. A dark purple sphere lands in front of me, sticking to the ice, and I swerve to avoid it. Glancing behind me, I see Mineta using his Quirk to bounce over the frozen floor and get ahead of us. As he was about to pass Shoto, a giant metal arm smashes into his back and flicks him away.

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