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I entered the house which I hated almost instantly, crumples of paper strewn all over the table - not just one table. As long as there is any space to hold anything on, it is full of papers and it is so damn messy that I wanted to rush to every table to clear it all up.

"Here's your towel..." I caught the towel that was thrown towards my direction. "Don't worry, it is a new one and I have not used it." To be sure, I took a sniff of the towel and there was no odor, there was only the smell of the fabric softener and I liked it. This kind of smell is what I would buy and he is definitely not poor. That brand that he is using is about 20,000 won per bottle.

"The bathroom is in the guest room and of course you will sleep there." He told me. "Make yourself at home." I only nodded and I went into the shower, the warm water calmed me down a little and I was relieved that I decided to believe in myself and him or not I would be outside for knowing what to do. He really is a blessing in disguise. I came out of the shower looking much refreshed and I just realized that I don't have any spare clothes to change into but that feeling subdued when I saw a pile of clothes folded neatly on the bed and there is a note just on top on it.

I don't know what you wear to sleep so I just prepared what is most popular for ladies' sleepwear.

I took the clothes, it was pajamas and it is full of clouds. It is cute and I'm grateful that he went all out to make sure that I feel comfortable spending the night in his house, a stranger's apartment. I changed into them and went out of the guest room hoping that I would find him.

He was sweeping the living room and the living room was a lot neater and cleaner than when I first stepped into it. Now that it is much cleaner, I could see that there were paintings in every corner of the room, some were hung on the walls while some are placed against the wall. There was even an uncompleted painting on an easel. He was a painter, that explains why his apartment is so messy.

"Err... Thanks for your help." I said to him. He turned around still with the broom and everything, his hair is still messy and I couldn't blame him. People who are in creative fields can't really leave the house in order for inspiration to be trapped inside.

"It's nothing. I bought the right size right?" He asked about the pajamas that I am wearing right now.

"Yes, it fits just right. Thanks for buying them." I thanked him again.

"You're thanking me again? What's your name?"

"Gong SooNa, I'm a lawyer," I said to him who is keeping away all the rubbish. "You?"

"MinHyuk, Lee MinHyuk." There is no need for him to say his profession as everything is already revealed. Just a paintbrush and an easel are enough to guess his profession.

"You're a painter?" I asked and he nodded.

"For 4 years now. Being a Painter has always been my passion, is going by the rule your favorite thing to do?? Or are you the corrupt lawyer?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "Not all lawyers are like that. Some are like that but most of them are like me."

"There is a black sheep in every profession and there are also good ones of course." He walked to the refrigerator and took out two cans of Soju. "Wanna drink?"

"No thanks." I rejected him even though I really wanted to drink, I didn't want to because I'm a poor drinker and he might take advantage of me when I am vulnerable. I have a boyfriend and I only want him to touch him, other guys can't touch even if they wanted. Once I'm committed to someone, I never falter my love for him.

"That's bad." He pouted and it is a cute one even though he is not my type.

"Then I'll go to bed."

"Right, get your beauty rest and all that you deserved." He paused for a second. "And rest assured, your door will be a squeaky clean first thing in the morning." He said to me before I went into the guest room.

I laid down on the bed and it smelt nice, I smiled at the ceiling, satisfied at how things have turned out to be the better. I initially thought that he would reject me straight away and then I would spend the night at some random hotel, I would have even caught a cold by then and tomorrow's performance would have greatly affected by the sudden bout of flu that I have gotten from the rain. Thanks, messy artist...


I shook my head at the girl who decided to stay for the night after getting caught by the sudden rain and the fact that her gate was smeared by my rubbish and all. We were strangers who coincidently lived on the same floor and our neighbors as a result. Once we have met, one thing came after the other and she is now staying in my apartment for the night. After all these years, I have never gotten involved with a woman like that, allowing her to stay in my apartment without any love. It was just an act of kindness and I allowed myself to be kind for a day because of that lawyer.

I thought that I have given up on love but she made me go all out for me. I have never cleaned up after myself nor the apartment ever since I gave up on love, not loving myself and making myself like this. Who is she? To make me feel something that I shouldn't be feeling after a long 4 years?

Miss Imperfect // L.M.H (#24)Where stories live. Discover now