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I let my paintbrush glide across the easel for the last time, creating a blue streak across the beautiful canvas, I lifted the paintbrush off the canvas and I stared at the art piece for the last time before I put it down on the palette. I stood up and stretched my entire body, cracking sounds are all released from an entire day of painting, it has been so long since I had sat down and started painting this masterpiece.

I looked at the digital clock. 7 pm, 24th of July. I have been painting for the past 35 hours and I haven't slept the entire time, how am I even awake? I guess that is how all the painters in the world work, they never stop for a break until they are done painting and that includes eating, sleeping or even going to the toilet to pee, our bodily functions just got turned off whenever we are at work and it is amazing that we don't die from it. We are always so committed to the work that we forget about everything and that is also the reason why painters don't date anyone when they are active in their career, it is not that they aren't interested in dating anyone, they simply don't have the time to even date someone. If not, painters will only date painters because they are in the same work field and they have the same kinds towards anything and plus, it is easier to understand each other when you are in the same occupation as your partner.

And I consider myself really lucky to be dating someone out of the creative industry when I am always working at home, SooNa is a blessing to me ever since she came into my life by surprise, it was by luck that she became my neighbour and we had that encounter outside our houses which in turn became a daily occurrence and we started dating each other just like that.

It has been around less than a month since we have started dating and it felt like I have known her for a very long time, it feels so different from when I was still in a relationship with her. In our 4 year relationship, nothing much happened except the fact that we worked most of the time and never really took out time to spend time with each other, because the two of us were artists and the two of us are usually very engrossed in our line of work that we don't have time for each other.

The only time that we have time for each other is when we don't have any work but then we would only go out for dates and that's all, we wouldn't talk to each other but focusing on getting our stomachs filled with food.
About us settling down, I didn't know how I even managed to propose to her when I clearly know that nothing will happen if we get married but I was willing to try. That was the time when we got extra busy with the two of us at the peak of our careers, and I was so busy with work that I find it so hard to put some time to prepare for our wedding.

The reason why I was so busy is because I could earn some more extra money to plan for the perfect wedding that I had wanted and these weddings don't come cheap, they cost close to ten thousand for a regular wedding and given the social status of SoHye's family, I would have to spend a bit more money to make her parents satisfied, they wouldn't want to marry their daughter to someone who isn't wealthy enough and a grand wedding would be the perfect way to show her parents that I am able to provide her even if she retired from the creative industry.

In the end, that didn't happen and I had wasted a lot of money for a wedding that I couldn't even attend because my bride ran away the night before the wedding, I couldn't get married if I didn't have a partner and it is all for nothing but I'm glad that I could give all of my money back, since the wedding didn't take place, it could be refunded but I couldn't get Kim SoHye. She left South Korea for good because she was utterly disappointed in a man like me who couldn't give her what she wanted but I'm glad that we didn't get married, it would be worse if we did.

I am happy with my life with a new partner who is a fresh breeze of wind, someone that I didn't expect to be dating, she isn't someone that I would like either. She is upright within her life and she hardly breaks any promises that she makes which is a good thing but also a bad thing at the same time, it means that she often has to force herself to go through things that she didn't like.

I heard a knock on the door and I went to open it, her tear-filled eyes greeting me with that little whimper as she sees me. She told me that she would be having dinner with her high profile family and she wouldn't be back home until late at night, but why is she doing here?

"SooNa--" She immediately bursts out crying and my soft side comes out, bringing her into my apartment and leading her to my couch so that she can cry her heart out without anyone judging me other than me but I won't judge. There is no reason to hate people when they are crying...

People cry when they feel sad and they cry in front of people, the people that they like because they want the person to comfort them because they are comfortable to cry in front of me and they aren't afraid to show the weakest side of themselves. I sat down and put an arm around her, patting her back gently so that it would help calm her down.

It surely did, soon she is blowing her nose with a tissue paper while I place a glass of water in front of her. "I thought that you are supposed to have dinner with your family?"

"I did but I came back because I wanted to see you, I missed you so much so I came back as fast as I could." She confessed and she looked at me. "I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Are you prepared to be my boyfriend? I want to show my family how fabulous you are like my boyfriend." I gulped as I remembered how horrible I was. I am not a good boyfriend...

Miss Imperfect // L.M.H (#24)Where stories live. Discover now