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I went all around the building, being bombarded with people everywhere I go, I would usually avoid them on a normal day but that day is not today, today is a very special day and it is the day for a very special person. I will be holding a special event for my girlfriend, Gong SooNa for our 2nd monthsary and her birthday, it is twice the celebration and twice the amount of nervousness that I get all day.

It has been really hard trying to juggle everything that has been thrown towards us, people from the museum who are asking me where I should place all of my art pieces and how it would look like, I have already discussed with them 2 weeks ago and they are still clueless about it, it is as if the meeting didn't happen at all or Yook Sungjae didn't inform them about anything at all.

And he comes into the room and I confronted him carefully without trying to get mad at him, I can't get mad at him today because today is a very special day. "Yook Sungjae, I thought that I have already informed you about the arrangements of my art pieces? Why isn't it being conveyed towards your team?" I asked him, still sounding angrier than I have expected, I just can't calm down in a situation like this.

"Right. I am so sorry about that." And he rounds his team up and gives them a hard scolding for about 10 minutes straight and he didn't stop talking not even once when he was done, he turned back to face me with a smile. "And it turns out that you didn't give me any instructions beforehand, that is why no one in my team knew anything about the project or anything about the art pieces that you have brought along as part of your newest collection."

I was confused, very confused about everything that has happened so far. "Then what was all the shouting and scolding even happen? When they are not at fault at all?" I asked him, still not getting what he is trying to say.

"That was just a warmup thing that my team and I have come up with, it contains a hidden message saying that we are being scolded for nothing and we would pretend that we are at fault for whatever that we have caused and we apologize and try our best at correcting the error even though we clearly have no idea why we are being at fault."

I honestly feel a little offended at that. "So you are saying that it is my fault for everything that I have done so far?"

He nodded, I was totally not expecting him to even do that. "You need to calm down and allow us to take charge from this moment, you are the main person behind this entire secret project that I still have no idea about and you need to delegate some work for us."

"Aren't I?" I asked him and he shook his head, and he brought me to the lounge room where there is no one else around other than the two of us. "Why are you bringing me here? I need to go back there to finalize everything that I needed to do."

"You can do that after you have calmed down and fully understood your role in this entire project that I still have no idea about, and you have to tell me everything that is bothering your mind right now." He brings me to a couch and tells me to do this. "Sit down and take a few deep breathes first."

I didn't understand his intention but I still followed whatever he asked me to do, I took a few breathes and then I looked at him for the next step of whatever that he is telling me to do. "That's everything that you need to do for the next 5 minutes."

"Are you kidding me?" I got angry at him, I can't believe that I have been played around by him and it feels so bad to toy around with someone like him.

"Or you can tell me everything that has been bothering your mind, I need to know the full details so that I can understand everything that you have been going through." He deeply sighed and then looked at me.

"Now you changed careers to be a psychologist? Focus on your real job." I told him.

"Focus here, we have to get you cured before you face the world." He ignored my words completely. "What has been bothering you so far?"

Even though I know that he is just playing around, I decided to tell him everything that I have been feeling all day. "I think that I have been too frustrated with everything and nitpicking about everything that is not what I wanted it to turn out to be, I feel like I am micromanaging everyone to do the things that I order them to do."

"That is the exact problem that you have been facing, I know that this is a huge exhibition that you are doing but you have to allow every person that has a say in this do things their own way and you oversee everything instead, wouldn't that be better?"

He is right, I have been so bent on perfecting every aspect of the exhibition so that Gong SooNa would be impressed that I didn't notice how much it is getting to my head, I have been so worked up over trying to make everything perfect that it is turning out to look more like a failure now and it is all because of me. "You're right, I should have delegated work for everyone so that I wouldn't have to worry so much about doing things on my own."

"Right? I was right when I was thinking that I would be a very good psychologist if I happened to switch careers somehow but I am relieved that you understood everything that messed up your mind earlier." I gave him a small smile in return. "So what is your secret project all about? It is still a few hours away from the launch of the exhibition and I don't know anything about it."

I deeply sighed. "It is for my girlfriend, she is celebrating her 24th birthday today and it is also our 2nd monthsary so I decided to dedicate this entire exhibition to her because she has made my life so special ever since she came into my life."

"Aww, I have never thought that I would see that side of you, it is so disgustingly annoying and I hate that." He made a disgusted facial expression. "That woman has changed you completely, you don't even look like the person you were when I first met you. You didn't look like that when you are still dating Kim Sohye."

"That is because I dated the wrong person, she was never right for me and she will never be the one no matter how much she tries to get back into my life," I told him about that and he looked at me all confused. "Gong SooNa is the only person who can make me the happiest man in the entire world, this is the proof of her doing and I am only paying her back with this exhibition."

Miss Imperfect // L.M.H (#24)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant