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I yawned as I looked at the big clock that is on the wall, the time barely moving at all. It has only been a minute since I last looked at it, time is indeed moving so slowly. I stretched my arms and looked around for any human that looks like a girl, more specifically the one who is a lawyer and has the name Gong SooNa.

There is still a few minutes before the whole building would break for lunch and there is still no sign of anyone getting out of the lift, you know some people love to go out before the official lunch break. I pressed my lips in a thin line as I continued to stare at the lift doors, hoping that one of them would open and hopefully she would be in there.

Minutes passed by and the lobby is now filled with people who are chatting around while they decide what are they going to eat and there is no Gong SooNa, she is nowhere to be seen. Maybe she brought her own lunch to eat in her office? Nope, she can't even cook...

As much as I know about this cute and hot lawyer, she is a cutie and she is a clean freak, well that is what she appeared to me when I first saw her at my doorstep, complaining about the mess that I had caused. She complained for minutes that I was causing a mess at her door and she can't enter because of the rubbish that I had forgotten to get rid of, she even refused to get into her house while the mess only affected her door outside and not on the inside.

I first thought that she was too much of a clean freak but it turned out that it got worse when she started dating that guy who broke up with her because he didn't have feelings for her anymore and he was having an affair with another girl, that guy loved cleanliness more than she did and it was even more extreme than she already is.

During the entire 5 years of dating, they barely had any skinship, they had occasional touching of hands but that is it, there was also not much kissing as the guy feel disgusted that they have to exchange harmful bacteria when they kiss.

The best of all? She didn't even get to be in his house at all during all the time that they were dating, they did not have the chance to do all the things that a normal couple would do and it was right of her to end things with her. It is miserable being a guy who only treats nothing more than a friend, even friends touch each other at times when they have to, well the non-sexual way. In short, he is the worse combination of all the personality traits that every girl would hate to have.

I spotted her in the sea of office workers in the lobby and I ran to her, not forgetting to bring the stuff that I had in my hand. She looked at me, astonished and confused over my agenda of being here. There is a female standing next to her doing the same, wondering who I am to SooNa that I would rush to her. "Why are you here?" I haven't told her at all that I was going to come here and I lied to her that I am working on my art pieces.

I held up the bag that I had brought along with me. "I brought you lunch. Are you going with your colleagues to have lunch?"

She looks at her colleagues and they exchanged a few glances at each other which I don't really understand. Is this the secret female language that only females know about?

The female colleague smiled. "None, she doesn't have any lunch appointments with me at all today. It suddenly got cut off due to some unforeseen circumstances and I have to eat alone today." She sighed and shoots a look at SooNa and back to me with a friendly smile. "I wonder who you might be to our Lawyer Gong."

I bowed down slightly. "I'm Lee MinHyuk and I'm SooNa's boyfriend." I introduced myself to her who gives me a smile. "You are?"

"Yoo JungYeon, one of her colleagues. Lawyer Yoo would do fine for our first meeting."

SooNa links her arm in mine, taking me entirely by surprise. "Go and have your lunch, there is going to be a long queue if you don't hurry up."

"Right. Tell me all the juicy details." And she ran off to where she should be going to, not disturbing our couple time.

"Don't mind her, she is that annoying like that," SooNa commented letting go of her grip on my arm and we began walking out of the building. "I thought that you were supposed to be working on your artworks, why are you out here?"

"I did a white lie. I actually already finished them last night when you have returned home." I gave her a cheeky smile. "I just wanted to have lunch with you for our first day together as a couple and have a picnic lunch at the park."

"It is actually closer to the 2nd day, more than 18 hours have passed since then." She blushed and I did the same.
Less than 18 hours ago, she kissed me on the lips, telling me that she has fallen in love with her. I accepted her feelings merely because I was in love with her as well, my feelings never faltered and it only got stronger when I got to witness that sight of her fainting and at the hospital, when she was crying every night about the loss of her 5-year relationship with her first love. She only cried after I had left her side, she demanded that I do so or she is unable to fall asleep.

That was a lie, she did that so that she could be all alone. She is a very strong woman who rarely cries and is firm in her stance, relating to her occupation as a lawyer who takes care of all sorts of cases. But regardless of all that, she is still a wounded individual that got her heart broken from loving the wrong person.

When I saw that image of her, I knew that I had to protect her from all harm immediately, regardless of who I am to her. Even if I were to be just her neighbour for the rest of my life, I would be happy because I will be able to stay at her side forever.

But she broke that rule that I was trying to keep by falling in love with me, something that I know that it would not last long. She is only going out with me because she wants a new relationship and that I'm her neighbour, the person who lived the closest to her but I didn't care. All I know is that I love her and I am willing to stay next to her if she ever lets go of me one day when she realizes that she didn't love me as much as I do.

Miss Imperfect // L.M.H (#24)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz