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I stood at the weighing scale, looking down at my own weight while facing the long mirror, it was at a weight that I have never seen before and it is very scary knowing that I have gained weight and I am not the type to gain weight very easily. I have a high metabolism and I don't really take note of what I eat since I would lose it by the end of the day eventually, I do work out occasionally when I am in the mood and when I don't have any work to do. 

But never have I ever gained so much weight in my life, the last time that I ever gained weight was when I was still in middle school and puberty began for me, making me have a huge appetite and wanting to eat everything that is there for me, luckily I have managed to grow taller and lost all of that weight before entering high school and adopted a healthy lifestyle.

If not for my determination that I should look lean and slim for my adulthood, I would become an overweight artist with no one to love and Gong SooNa might not have fallen in love with me, due to the appearance that prevented her to have any feelings for me. And being slim but toned allows me to move around freely when I am at work and I often skipped meals when I am rushing my work, I don't really have the time to eat and it doesn't matter if I don't eat or not, no one is going to care about me anyway, they are only going to look at my paintings and not at me, the artist that doesn't love himself and is willing to do anything just for passion.

But those days were over now, I am not longer the Lee Minhyuk that I used to be, the one that didn't give a heck about my own appearance and barely took care of myself, I didn't care much because I live on my own and there won't be anyone that comes to visit me on a daily basis, I have been like that ever since she walked out on our relationship and decided to live a better life rather than to be with me.

The new Lee Minhyuk has changed, he is now dating a girl that has allowed him to love himself again and made him want to take care of himself so that she would be happy knowing that he is always the perfect boyfriend for her. And that girl is different from the previous one, she loves to eat despite her always complaining that she is going to gain weight if she is eating everything that she ordered for herself and then she would pass it to me and I would finish her food for her, not wanting to waste any money and waste on unfinished food.

I gasped, suddenly realizing something that Gong SooNa was the cause why I had gained weight over the past month that we have started dating and it is just barely over a month. How much did I even eat? I got off the weighing scale and stared at myself in the mirror, I had definitely gained a significant amount of weight that my jawline had changed from a sharp one to a rounder face. I feel like I am going to be a piggy but I am happy about it, I have finally managed to gain weight again after such a long time and it was because of SooNa.

Before that, I would be so stressed trying to gain weight and I have always failed to do so due to my inconsistent meal times and late-night work that messed up my body clock quite a bit, I have not been sleeping well and eating well because of that and that I wanted to perfect my work in the most perfect way possible. I often felt unhappy even though I have made a lot of money on royalties and popularity that slowly increased over the years.

And I yearned for happiness to reappear in my life and it finally happened 4 years after my last relationship and on a normal day where I was working, someone knocked on my door demanding that I open it and there I met Gong SooNa who is in her formal attire and she was pointing to the mess that was all over her door. I remembered grumbling about it and refusing to do it because I have my work to get back to and I don't want to waste any time on something unimportant.

Now that I realized that it wasn't something unimportant, it is the start of a new relationship in my life and I have almost ignored it, I'm glad that it happened and it changed my life for the better.

I heard a knock on my door and I went to open it, knowing who the person is and what is her motive for coming here. She changed her usual formal work attire to something more comfortable and she wasn't wearing makeup as I wanted her to, I have told her from the first time she went over my house after being a couple that it is okay for her to show all the sides of herself which she doesn't show it to anyone else.

It makes her more realistic and down-to-earth knowing that she isn't as perfect as the person that she created it herself, it is because of her restricted personality that made me want to change her bit by bit as she changes me bit by bit as well. We are kind of improving each other as we are in a relationship and seek to be a better version of ourselves as the time goes by, this is the kind of relationship that I wanted to have ever since I discovered love, I don't want to love someone who doesn't love me as much as I do and disregard my feelings like it is nothing.

"Hey, I'm back from work." She announced and she held up a whole box of fried chicken. "And I have bought a chicken!"

I immediately frowned. "I thought that we just had fried chicken just 2 days ago?"

"It was 3 days ago, we had it at midnight and it became the next day by the time we finished it and plus, it is from another brand and I swear that it is going to be very delicious." I could only force a smile at the thought of finishing the fried chicken. Will I turn into a Humpty dumpty by the end of this month?

Miss Imperfect // L.M.H (#24)Where stories live. Discover now