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Maybe it is for the best that we take a break from each other, a lot of things have happened lately and it is more bad than good, especially our relationship that has gone a little downhill in the last few days. I thought that I wouldn't be hurt because of love, love is something that I have avoided for a long time because of a failed relationship and a wedding that almost took place.

I do not regret everything that I have purchased for my wedding back then, it took a long time for me to return everything and pretend that the wedding didn't exist, it was there but we didn't go through the ceremony since my bride left me at the altar. She made a great decision to leave me back then but I just don't understand why she came back again and caused even more trouble for me and Gong SooNa.

Kim Sohye is great as a person and I have spent my high school years with her, she is a great partner and she was my first love who helped me succeed in my career and made me want to be an artist. She was there when I was struggling to be known in the industry and to be able to make a lot of money off my painting, she was there when I needed some help getting food for myself and to survive when I don't have any money in my pockets.

Because she was there for me, I thought that she was the right person for me and I wouldn't have any regrets marrying her as a wife and for us to start a family together, to have a few kids that look like the both of us. But I was wrong, I was so wrong about that, Kim Sohye is too impatient for me and she cares too much about herself, she doesn't wait for me to explain my mistakes and she doesn't understand how I feel.

I saw her true colours the night before the wedding and that made me want to give up my love for her, she didn't want me in her life and she regretted being with me, she left for America the next day and leave me alone to clean up all of the mess that she has a part in it as well, but she thinks that she has nothing to do with it.

And now 4 years later, she thinks that she can make a grand entrance back into my life and think that I would give her a second chance when Gong SooNa exists and she is my girlfriend. There is no place for Kim Sohye in my heart anymore and nothing can make me want to choose her again, my love for her had died since the day our relationship ended and that was the last time that I had feelings for Kim Sohye.

There was a knock on my door and I opened it only to realise who it was behind it and I immediately closed the door, I hear her voice and I ignored it. "Lee Minhyuk, it is me Kim Sohye. I want to talk to you about something."

I walked back to my couch and switched on my television, turning up the volume so that I wouldn't be able to hear her anymore. It worked for a while until I heard my phone ring and I looked at it, it is an unknown number and I decided to take a call because I don't have any idea who exactly is the person that is calling me and it is better for me to answer instead of ignoring it. What if it is an important call?

"Hello? Who is it?" I answered the call.

"Lee Minhyuk, I know that you are avoiding me but we need to talk." I immediately pulled away from my phone and stared at the door. How did she even get my phone number from?

A sudden realization came to my mind. Oh, I didn't even change it since 4 years ago and she didn't delete my number... "You need to stop seeing me, I don't want to see you ever again."

"I know what I did wrong that night and I should apologize to you about that." She said. "Let me in and we can talk about that."

"Go to apologize to SooNa instead, she is the one who is more hurt in this situation. You are the one who caused this to happen." I told her. "I took 4 years to walk out of the mess that you have created and it feels like it is going to start all over again and I don't want to lose SooNa, she is really precious to me."

"But I should apologize to you first, for what happened 4 years ago. Open the door so that I can officially apologize to you, not yelling at each other over the phone. I promise that I will not do anything to you, I really won't. Can't you trust me on this?"

I hang up the call and I went to the door, I may be scarred over what happened 4 years ago but Kim Sohye and I are now considered history and a thing of a past. I should be able to talk to her without feeling hurt and pain inside of me. I opened the door and she was still out there, looking grateful that I have opened the door at last.

She was sitting on my couch and I stood up, I didn't want to sit down now that we are in the same space. "Say what you have to say and then leave," I told her.

"I shouldn't have left you behind back then, leaving you to clean up all of the mess that I have created. But I was confused, I didn't know if I was really going to be happy getting married to you and I got afraid not knowing if my choice was right. I left in order to settle my thoughts and I would come back again and I know that you have moved on, you are dating that lawyer. Is she good to you?"

I nodded her head. "She is a hundred times better than you, you can't ever be compared to her," I told her. "My love for her is different from yours, I feel relieved and happy when I am with SooNa."

"Yes, she is really different from me. I talked to her on multiple occasions, she is really someone who is compatible with you even though you guys share different characteristics and personalities." She sighed. "If only I didn't have too much to drink that night, I wouldn't have gone up on that stage and did that horrible thing to you. For that, I am going to officially apologize to you and Gong Soona for sure. Wait for my press conference and make sure to bring Gong SooNa along with you."

Miss Imperfect // L.M.H (#24)Where stories live. Discover now