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I stared sheepishly at the flowers that my boyfriend got for me, it was as beautiful as his soul. I knew that he would be up to something today and I have never expected him to appear on my doorstep first thing in the morning with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, it is as if he is going to propose to me but it is still too early for the both of us.

But I still loved the fact that he remembered all my favourite flowers and put all of them into one bouquet, creating one lovely floral arrangement. He didn't seem to be the type to do events for his loved ones, although I haven't seen that until today. He told me that he was quite busy with his work and he burnt the midnight oil and he woke up earlier than me, which was surprising. Did he even get enough sleep?

I shrugged my shoulders and I smelt the flowers once again, loving the scent that comes off it. I just wonder how exactly romantic Lee Minhyuk is with all of these little surprises, I would have to prepare myself for the rest that is coming up later on in the day. I whipped out my phone and took a picture of me with the flowers in the background, remembering it as a lovely memory of our 2nd monthsary and my 24th birthday.

With that, my lovely morning is off to a great start with a lovely breakfast that Lee Minhyuk probably cooked it for me or he left it at the table while I was showering. There was a note on the table next to the food, he told me to eat it all up and I will be blessed with all the luck there is in the world today.

He went off to work already, he must have been so busy with all the preparations with his exhibition that he didn't even have time to even properly sit down and have breakfast with me, we would usually have breakfast on weekends and he would cook for me using the limited ingredients that I have in my refrigerator but he always managed to cook up food that is restaurant quality.

It is a waste of talent for him to paint as a full-time career and not to use up the time to be a chef, I feel like he could be very famous if he were to be a chef but I guess that he would hate the attention if he were to be a chef, he would be invited to cooking shows like Gordon Ramsey. But I guess that he would succeed in anything that he does, he is full of talent himself and no one can deny that.

I made my way to work in a happier mood than I already am, it is impossible to not feel happy when it is a huge day and a lot of happy things is going to happen today, it might make me laugh and it might make me cry huge droplets of tears but I don't really care about that, I know that I am going to be very happy that's all.

"Good morning!" I greeted the receptionist and she looked at me with a confused look on her face. "It is my birthday and my 2nd monthsary today!" And then she nodded and congratulated me on the two events, I thanked her as I got into the toilet.

Subsequently, I got congratulated by every employee that walks past me and I feel so happy that they are feeling happy for me, even the cleaners as well, one even gave me a hug when I told her that. It is a nice feeling that I wished I would have every single day but it is only for today, it doesn't happen every day and it is considered pretty rare for all of these to happen on the same day.

"What is with that look on your face? You looked almost 200% happier than any other day." JungYeon came in after I have placed down my bag in my office.

"Pure happiness, I can't believe that it is today! Can you believe that it is my birthday and my monthsary today? That is a 1 in 365 chance!" I told her excitedly.

"Yes, I believe that. You might scare away your client today, you do know that smiling brightly is a big no-no in the law business." She told me as she takes a seat in front of me.

"I know that but today is an exception, allow me to be happy today as I haven't felt this happy in such a long time." I whipped out my phone. "Minhyuk got up all early and got a bouquet of flowers for me, he even stood at the doorstep to give it to me personally."

She seemed rather surprised to hear that. "That's surprising to hear that, I didn't know that Minhyuk ssi could be this sickening romantic." And she rolled her eyes in annoyance while mouthing 'disgusting', I burst out laughing at that. "I mean that it is true, the two of you make me cringe with all of those lovey-dovey things."

"Then I can help you get a date do you won't feel as lonely as you are now, you have been single for way too long." She pouted. "I know a few clients that might have been single and might be your ideal type, take this for example." I searched for a picture of a certain someone. "This person might be the one for you, his name is Park JiMin and he was my high school classmate but now he is a very famous K-pop idol."

She takes a look at him. "I am not interested nor I have time to date anyone, I am invested in my career right now and I don't plan to date anyone before the age of 30."

"Alright, if you don't really want to, then I can't force you to go on a date. But if you really want someone to accompany you on Christmas, I can do that." I told her. "If not Minhyuk will do that, he is good at finding people unexpectedly. After all, he found me complaining right outside his doorstep and he fell in love with me at that moment."

Miss Imperfect // L.M.H (#24)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora