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I opened the fridge and retrieved a mask pack, bringing it to the bathroom immediately. It is a part of me to put on a mask pack on my face every night before I fall asleep, it is a beauty routine that I have followed for the past few years.

Even though the results are not that obvious from the first few days, it would slowly moisturize your face and eventually, you would have perfectly clear skin like those idols that appear on TV all the time.

I opened the mask pack and took out the sheet of paper inside, opening to reveal the face-shaped paper that I'm going to put it on my face. I carefully brought it close to my face and stuck it to my face according to how it fits my face, smoothing out the edges with my fingers and making sure that it is tight and wet enough to make it stick on my face.

I smiled slightly as I stared at the paper-faced me in the mirror, waiting for the moment where I would take it off 15 minutes later. I have always loved mask packs, it is one of my go-to solutions when I have no time.

If I were to have a breakout on my face days before an important event, I would put on a mask pack and the pimples would disappear in a matter of days and I would be able to go out to the public without worrying how my face would look like with those pimples.

I walked back to my room and laid down on my bed as I waited to take off the mask pack 15 minutes later, I would also watch a drama serial on the TV at the same time while I wait for that moment to arrive. I switched on the TV and I clicked on the channels that I would watch at night. There is a new episode coming up tonight and I don't want to miss it, not when I'm a lawyer and I don't have time to do my leisure activities at work.

The doorbell rang and I groaned in annoyance, being annoyed at the person who has decided to come to find me when I am doing the most important part of my beauty routine. It couldn't be the delivery person, I didn't call for any food delivery service nor I am expecting a delivery package.

Some people just like to annoy people at night... I decided to ignore that and continued to watch my drama, yawning a little as I observed the close details of the clues that the female lead had left for the male lead to figuring it out on his own. It is so obvious, just go to her café and return that hairpin back to her--

The doorbell rings once again and I rolled my eyes, now that it started ringing continuously without stopping. Who the heck had the nerve to disturb a lady who is enjoying her night?

I let out a groan and I pressed the record button on the remote controller to allow the drama to air while I record it, it would help to reserve the episode and I would watch it again when I have the time to do so.

I opened the door and immediately closed the door, only for his hand to block me from closing the door. He has seen me doing skin care and I don't want him to see that it would ruin his expectations of me and it would increase the distance between the two of us. What if he says that I'm ugly without any makeup on? And especially when I have a mask pack on and mask packs makes everyone wearing it look ugly.

I then tried to cover most of my face as a last resort, only leaving the eyes for me to see him clearly. "What are you here for? It is already 10 pm." And I have a drama to catch up on.

"I'm here to accompany you since I have nothing to do and you live opposite of me, to be more specific, I'm coming over to have a sleepover at your house."

I looked down at his outfit, he was wearing pyjamas and he had his bedroom slippers on, an eye mask on top of his head. "Is your house on fire?"

He raised an eyebrow, confused at my question. "No?"

"Is that creepy crawlies occupying your bedroom?"


"Then what are you doing at my house for?"

He chuckled. "Haven't you heard of couples who come over to each other's houses to sleep? It is a thing and I think that we would do it since we lived right next to each other."

My cheeks started heating up. "But do you have to do it today?" He is surely going to judge me once I have taken off the mask pack after 15 minutes. "I'm a little inconvenient at the moment."

"Because you were afraid that I might judge your bare face?" I slowly nodded. "Relax, I won't. Not every woman looks like the one in her selfies all the time, they all have their good and bad days."

"Really? You won't?" I asked him once again in fear that he would regret his words. "I look really different without makeup, just to warn you first beforehand."

"I won't run away or anything, I'm just next door if I would ever run away." He reassured me and I finally let him into my house for the first time, in fact, that he is the first person to ever come into my house other than my parents and occasionally my older siblings.

My house is decorated really simply and I wanted it to look like that since I wasn't the type to be creative over everything, I also didn't want to ruin it with any dark colours because I don't have an eye for creativity. My only talent is to keep it clean and simple.

"Your house is really a blank canvas which gives me an opportunity to transform it into something beautiful, it is really simple and I like it." He looked around the house. "I bet that your bedroom looks like this as well."

I nodded and led him to a couch where I go to make him drinks, staring at his back view as I stood in the kitchen thinking back on the words that he spoke earlier, about me being a blank canvas and he being the painter to transform my life into something colourful. He is really doing that bit by bit and I enjoyed the changes that he had done to me.

He transformed me without me even knowing and made me realize that I'm someone imperfect as well, just like everyone in the world and he is the one to change that by making my life more enjoyable.

Miss Imperfect // L.M.H (#24)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя