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I watched her walk from the fridge to the kitchen counter pacing around not doing anything but to walk around and around, which made me feel a little annoying yet think that she is cute at the same time.

"Aren't you not going to cook?" She immediately walked back to the fridge and took out a packet of meat, leaving it on the counter. "Only meat?"

She didn't respond and so I have to do the cooking on her behalf even though I'm supposed to be the one who is waiting for the food to be called and she is the one who will be cooking it. I guess that our roles have reversed a little...

I took the packet of meat from the counter and peeled off the packet and washed the meat to get rid of the stench and to clean it properly before I would cut it up in pieces.

"What has happened to you?" Her face was blushing red and she avoided my eyes, looking down at the floor. She is going to burn the kitchen the longer that I allow her to be here...

I then let out a long sigh and pushed her to the living room, making her sit on the couch. "You sit here and I'll go, cook, you wait till it's done," I told her.
"Wait! I can do it!" She got up but I stopped her.

"Just go and sit down, you can't cook when you are avoiding me the whole time."

She kept quiet this time and she is like a little kid, she sat back down on the couch waiting for the food to be cooked. This woman...

Not more than 10 minutes, this lawyer came to my door with bags of groceries, wanting to whip a meal for me, she wanted to thank me for taking care of her and so I let her in. And the best thing happened to me right at that moment.

She planted a kiss on my lips just before I would do the same, she was faster than me by a little. She is beautiful looking like that when she looked at me straight in the eyes, her eyes looking down at my lips, she gulped down her saliva. The truth is that I was also doing the same, staring back at her in that manner but I couldn't kiss her just yet.

She had just ended things with her long-term boyfriend and she is confused over her feelings for him, she couldn't forget him and thus she noticed how kind I was to her and thus looked at me in that manner. She didn't mean to do that...

It is kind of my fault that I hit on her ever since the first time that I saw her, like an angry lawyer finding fault with me. I had thought that she was single and decided to try my luck at a love life that I was looking forward which immediately crumbled when she told me that she was attached, to someone who clearly didn't think the same way.

I didn't try to get close to her after that as I was afraid that I might ruin my relationship with her as well as her relationship with her boyfriend, it is better to keep a safe distance since I was just her neighbour. Until a week later when I smelt something funny from her house, it is the smell of gas.

I tried all ways to get her out of the house, I tried kicking down the door, I even wanted to hack her PIN password on the door but it is nearly impossible to do that. It would be too late by the time I would find out the PIN number of her apartment. So I did the alternative, I called for the security department at the bottom floors of the apartment building and begged them to open the door for me. That is how I got her out of the house when she collapsed and she was cooking something which contributed to the production of the gas.

She walked to the counter. "What are you cooking?" She asks and I finished cutting up the stuff that it is going to be food in a few minutes.

"Your favourite, you loved eating tteokbokki right?" She nodded. "I added chicken and mushroom to it so that it would taste better."

"Wow... I wished that I was you do that I would be able to cook whatever I want, but sadly I am just Gong SooNa who only knows how to cook ramyeon noodles." She pouted and it looked very adorable to me.

"It's okay, I can cook for you more often or have dinner with me so that you wouldn't have to cook," I suggested.

She shook her head. "That wouldn't do, I would only bother you. You have to work right?"

I laughed. "It is not like I would work all the time, I need a break to do the things that I want as well. Which painter doesn't sleep??" She pointed to me. "I mean I still sleep but only when I want to."

"You need to sleep, you always looked so tired every time I see you." She told me. "It is important to rush your work but it is more important that you take care of your body."

"So, are you going to take care of me?" That made her silent and I slightly regretted what I had just said. She is not going to take care of me I'm just her neighbour, the one who saved her...

I cleared my throat. "Sorry that I went too far," I said as I set the frying pan on the stove. "Of course, I am going to take care of myself. I'm a freaking adult, I can take care of myself."

"If you want me to, I can do it. At the same time, I can love you at the same time." My eyes widen and I faced her.

"Please tell me that it is just a joke, you are using me for that guy. You are using me to get over him." I said to her. She doesn't like me... I am just a replacement to that guy...

"Who says that?" She paused for a moment. "Yes, I admit that I still have feelings for him since it is a long term relationship but he has proven to me that he isn't the one that I want to spend my life with. He was the one who started my lifestyle of being clean and neat at all times as he couldn't stand me being messy for a minute, I had to change myself to accommodate him and it doesn't help me to be a better person. It only made me more insecure that I have to be neat and proper all the time."

"Gong SooNa--"

She continued to speak. "I really thought that he would be my happily ever after but I guess not, our personalities clash and we hate to be next to each other. He didn't let me be in his life and I, as well kept him away from my life, my real self. I wasn't always an OCD freak, I was a normal person who minded if someone places stuff in the wrong order or didn't clean up after themselves." She paused for a moment. "It only worsened after I have met him, the guy that I would be spending time together with for the next 5 years. He changed my entire life, making me nitpick at everything and to be mad over one badly placed pencil. I became a freak because of him, I tried hard to impress him, to show him that I was the kind of girl that he wanted me to be."

She sniffled a sob and I immediately pulled her into my embrace, hugging her tightly. I placed a hand on her back and lightly rubbed it. She cried her heart out and I continued to comfort her, ensuring that it is all ok and she did the right thing for breaking up with him.

I patted her head. "Just to know that, I would be there whenever you need me." And I will not make you cry...

Miss Imperfect // L.M.H (#24)Where stories live. Discover now