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I buried my face into my arms as I wailed, I have no idea how long I have been doing that for and it seems that I could do a world record for crying for the longest time before taking a break. I can't believe that I am crying here while it is my own birthday, I was supposed to celebrate my birthday with my special someone but that special someone did something really unforgivable to me and for that, I don't really know how I should handle this situation.

A woman kissed him on stage while he was giving a speech and he didn't do anything about it, he didn't even stop that woman from doing what she wants to do and I am witnessing the entire thing. And that woman is not just any other woman in this world, it is the world-renowned pottery artist, the one that Yoo JungYeon is a huge fan of and will never stop talking about it is actually the other woman in that bastard Lee Minhyuk's life, it turns out that I am not the only woman that he has.

She is that Kim Sohye whom I also got a little close to before the exhibition, I thought that she was a nice person and I would learn a bit about art and what Lee Minhyuk does on a daily basis if I became friends with her. I guess that is not going to happen soon because I just got lied to by 2 people, one who is my boyfriend and the other whom I thought that she would be a potential best friend.

The thunder strikes again and I buried myself, even more, to hide from the thunderstorm and everything else in my life, I just want to let go of everything in my life and go somewhere far far away from where no one knows me and I would stay here for the rest of my life. Everyone in my life also knows how to make use of me and they will cast me aside as soon as they have gotten what they wanted from me, just because I come from a wealthy family doesn't give them the excuse to play around with me.

There was my cruel ex-boyfriend whom I had dated for the past 5 years and he just let me go because he found anyone who is richer than me, there are also a lot of my friends that I have made throughout my entire life leave me because I didn't treat them to good food and nice things to use. Why are people always treating me like this?

I am also a human being just like anyone else in the world and I feel the same things as well, it is not like I have blue blood running through my veins or money will flow out of my hands like it is money. It is not like that at all, I just want someone to treat me as who I am and not as what they want me to be.

I heard the door open and I looked up, noticing two people walking in and I struggled to hide when one of them switched on the lights and I was immediately exposed to them. "You are really a workaholic to be able to hide in your own office and behind the table, Gong SooNa." Yoo JungYeon makes a comment about my hiding position and then collapsed on the floor, wailing like a little child. "I searched high and low for you but you hid so hard that I almost couldn't find you."

"I was the one who thought that you would come to your office to seek shelter before the rain started pouting and you were really here." Park JiMin was the other person who came in with JungYeon, they never left each other at all and were next to each other the entire time. "You were really a workaholic to be able to think of your own office as your hiding spot, I almost thought that you went back home not you didn't."

I couldn't go home to seek shelter not only because it is dangerous to go back there, but it is also where Lee Minhyuk stays and he stays right opposite my apartment. It would be a bad decision to go back home and to see his face, I don't want to see him at all. He would want to explain everything to me and I don't want to listen to me, he has been lying to me from the very beginning and he will do that now.

"Let's snuggle in bed just how we used to do way back in high school, there will be the usual ramen and Soju combo if you stay at my place. It would be free of charge and I will let you stay for as long as you can. Is it a deal, Lawyer Gong?" I crawled out of my hiding spot after hearing what Park JiMin said and went over to Yoo JungYeon who is still crying, I didn't know that she can be this emotional and I thought that she was a very tough woman who doesn't cry at anything but I was wrong, she could be my opponent in crying.

We cried for a good 30 minutes before my stomach started to growl really badly and that was a sign that we needed to get back to JiMin's place so that he can start to cook his instant noodles, JungYeon wanted to reject his offer but I convinced to stay with us for the rest of the night because I didn't want to be alone, I really wanted some company and they were my company for the rest of the night.

We watched a movie after we had our noodles, we started drinking as well and we laughed at the scenes that were comedic and we cried our eyes out at the emotional scene. It was an unforgettable night and we ended the night by sleeping on the couch while the movie was still playing and I woke up an hour later after I got a little sober, I noticed that JungYeon and JiMin were sleeping on both my sides and I decided to bring them together by closing the gap between the two of them. They might have only met each other a few hours ago but their chemistry with each other is no joke, they seemed so much like a couple and it felt as if they were already a couple.

I left the two alone while I went to the balcony and I looked up at the scenery, it is a full moon and it never looked so beautiful before. The moon stays alone up there without the sun and it is doing fine, but humans can't be alone and they are not doing fine if there isn't anyone caring for them. Will my relationship with Lee Minhyuk end just like that? Was the past 2 months all a lie?

Miss Imperfect // L.M.H (#24)Where stories live. Discover now