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I heard a giggle next to me. "Look! I have just taken a picture with the Kim Sohye! Yes, with the Kim Sohye!" I just smiled at the fangirl who was talking about her favourite artist ever since we separated from the artist after taking a selfie with her, it has been almost 15 minutes and she is still feeling starstruck.

"Eat your dinner, it is going to finish if you don't hurry up." I notified her about the food situation at the food counter, the food is going to run out if we don't hurry there and I am famished, I didn't have much for lunch as I was at work, gathering information for the latest case.

"I know, I will get them later. If you don't mind, you can get my share. I just want to get as close as her if I can, I don't want her to get out of my sight. I can't believe that she is that gorgeous, I didn't think that an artist that works with pottery would turn out to be such a pretty woman."

I rolled my eyes at her. "If you say so, an obsessed fan of someone that you only had a selfie with." I left her alone to fangirl as I walked over to the food section to collect my food before it finishes, I hate to eat at events but there is food there and I don't want to waste any food.

There is still a lot of food left when I get there, especially chicken wings and all. I guess those chicken wings are not that popular in this line since it is one of the delicacies that hasn't run out when it is so delicious. People in the arts industry prefer foods that they do not need to get their hands dirty, something like cupcakes and tarts is their favourites seeing that it has run out and the ushers are stocking it up with new ones for the guests to feast on after the auction.

"I thought that you will be looking around at artworks but you are here feasting on chicken wings." Minhyuk ssi comes over and takes a sip of my drink, it is a fruit punch with a hint of alcohol, it is best to drink something that is rather safe for me for a lovely evening like this, I don't want to risk myself drinking whiskeys and red wine at such an event. "Are you enjoying yourself here so far?"

I nodded as I fed him a chicken wing. "To be honest, it is lovely to be here, it reminds me of those events that I used to attend with my family when I was a lot younger."

"Really? Do they all consist of people who try to look high class and all?" I nodded. "I don't mean that you are one of them, I am just talking about those people who are here tonight. They are only here to buy my artworks so that they can flaunt their wealth by displaying my artworks in their houses."

He isn't insulting them, he was exactly right about them. A few of my father's best friends would often go overseas to buy artworks from random artists to make people think that they are appreciative of their artworks when in fact they know nothing about those artworks and the emotions that are poured into each and every one of them.

Even though I don't have an eye for creativity, I still feel for those artists that spend months and months creating one painting and then selling them off at a higher price to earn a living for themselves, they worked so hard to get recognized and they surely don't want their artworks to be purchased by someone who doesn't appreciate them well enough.

"I'm sure that there are still people out there who will never stop appreciating your artworks, I am one of them right here." I tried to lift up his spirits. "I will be there for you no matter what, I know how hard you have worked for this exhibition and auction to happen."

"Thanks, Soona..." He pats my head. "Where is your lawyer friend? The one who came here along with you."

I looked back at her and she is still in her fangirl mode, looking at her artist talking to people that she has contacts with. "She apparently came here so that she can stare at Kim Sohye for the whole evening, she was elated when I invited her to come along with me."

I didn't know that a fan could actually get into someone that deep, I would have understood if she was a fan of a popular idol or an actress but being a fan of an artist is something that I haven't seen before. I don't even know what part of the artist she is a fan of, her artworks or the artist herself. But I thought that artists aren't known for their faces but the works that they have done...

I noticed that he was behaving a little different, he wasn't really looking happy after I have mentioned Kim Sohye. He was being like that earlier as well when we saw him talking to Kim Sohye, the female artist was elated to see him but Minhyuk only wanted to get away from her. What is their relationship exactly?

"Minhyuk ssi, are you okay?" I asked and he gave a slight nod, I smiled and he gave me an uncertain smile. He is nervous about hosting this auction, he is selling off his artworks to potential buyers and he is afraid of the people not liking his artworks enough.

He had mentioned about this during our sleepover a few days ago, he was worried that the artworks are not impressive like all his previous artworks, he was afraid that his months of hard work would just go to waste just like that. He isn't really worried whether it would fetch him enough money to sustain himself for the next few months but the reputation of himself that he is going to maintain for being the artist who is always ahead of everyone in terms of his artworks, it has to be better than the previous artworks to be called a success.

"Do you need a hug?" He slowly nodded and I wrapped my arms around him, not really touching him so that I don't stain his clothes. He has to look his best for this evening and I don't want my oil-stained fingers to ruin all of that. "I'll make sure that the auction goes well, I will buy one artwork if I have to. It should be affordable for me, right? I didn't bring a lot of money with me today."

That made him laugh a little and I was relieved that he did that, he would collapse if he didn't. "Thanks, that was a good hug." I released the hug and he went inside, smiling at me. I'm glad that I am here with him today even if it is not my type of thing to be at an art exhibition...

Miss Imperfect // L.M.H (#24)Where stories live. Discover now