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I got out of the car and I was on a phone call with my long-time boyfriend who promised me that he would bring me out to have dinner at the restaurant that I have been yearning to go. There is a menu exclusive for couples and the food is awesome, my coworkers told me so. 

"The food at that restaurant is really affordable.' I told him while closing the car doors and walked up to the apartment building. "And plus, there is that couple's menu that I have been wanting to try for the longest time. And--"

He cut me off. "You don't need to tell me now, we can still talk about it tomorrow and I have to go for my shoot right now."

I giggled like a high school student in love, well I'm technically still in love. "Right, sorry. I'll see you tomorrow, then." I ended the call and I pressed the lift button with a piece of tissue paper wrapped around my index finger as usual and waited for the lift to arrive. The lift arrives and I got in it, pressing the close button.

It couldn't close as someone pressed the button for the lift doors to open and he appeared just in front of me. He appeared with his usual messy hair, but with a serious face on. 

We stared at each other for a short few seconds before I broke it, I stood at the side to allow more space in the lift and he followed suit a few seconds later, he stood at the other end. The lift doors finally close and so is my eye contact with him. I didn't want to talk to him, I didn't have a reason to.

He's single and I'm attached, he might take this relationship the wrong way. Just a week ago, we first met each other and then I had to stay in his apartment due to some circumstances. We chatted, we were knowing each other better. I liked talking to him but he is just a neighbor, he would be just a stranger if we aren't neighbors. Our paths wouldn't even cross each other and we will never meet. I wished that it would be like that.

The lift dinged at the 10th floor and I got out of it, we went our separate ways, facing our backs against each other as we entered the password for the door and opened the door, each going into the apartment and then closing the door shut in each other's faces. It has been like that for the past few days but I have never expected to see him today, normally I would just go home from work and notice that the door is always close, of course, he would be working. He is a freelancer, he would be at home working unlike me who has to go out every day to earn that salary.

I sighed. Why am I even attracted to him for? He is clearly not my type, I preferred guys like my current boyfriend. Short hair, brushed neatly, clean-shaven face, always dressed very fashionably unlike him who always looked as if he hasn't slept in days, hair still that unkempt and messy, doesn't bother to shave his beard, wearing clothes that are very wrinkly and has no brand.

Why are they so different from each other when they are the same gender, the same species? Men, why are they like this? I sighed once again before I hop into the shower.



I threw myself across the couch as I laid down in deep thoughts, thinking about the woman who enchanted me by knocking angrily at my door and demanding her door was stained by my leftovers.

I silently laughed. How can our first meeting like this? I moved in 2 weeks ago with a mindset to avoid as much human interaction as possible, I have quite the company that I was in previously, cutting up my ties with all the artists that I have been working with for as long as I can remember to isolate myself in my apartment, to work as a freelancer.

I have always wanted to work alone and be alone with myself and this female lawyer enters into my life like she is supposed to be, making me smile again. I thought that I had a second chance at love but I got quickly slammed down by her confession - she has a boyfriend, she is someone else's. How can life be so cruel?

After I had opened up my heart once again only to be closed once again forcefully, that hurts me, even more, when she left my side after a long 4 years of dating. At least I was happy dating her and not being rejected right on.

I don't know why I was so attracted to her, she isn't my type, to begin with. She isn't that kind, caring, she cares about cleanliness more than anything else. She would freak out when anything dirty goes into her way, her doorknob was a sparkling shine when I cleaned her door the last week. Of course, she wouldn't like me, she would like someone who is clean from head to toe unlike me who always looks like I haven't slept in years.

Dark eye circles showing how many nights that I had stayed up for, messy tangled hair that would break a comb instantly, she will never like me. It would be a miracle if I were to date her, a cleanliness freak and a messy person can never be together. We had way too much lifestyle differences which make us having nothing in common.

It would be a joke if we were together before she starts loving me, she would criticise me about my lifestyle habits. Well, not just her, it is every other woman out there. Why would they want to be with someone who doesn't care if they showered or not? It was clear that we will never fall in love with each other, not in a million years.

Miss Imperfect // L.M.H (#24)Where stories live. Discover now