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I smiled brightly as I reviewed all the paintings that I have sold from the exhibition a week ago, the accountant who is in charge of the event just sent over a report for me to look at it. It has great success as there are a lot of famous bidders who came over for the event and bought home a lot of my paintings, they all praised my never-changing style of art and how my paintings would be a lot better than the previous ones. 

I was indeed happy, I was recognised for my work and people appreciate it, there were also the people who only came because they wanted to be there to boost their reputation, I am not mad that they were there to make them look that they are supportive and appreciative for my works, they have the money but they should use the money elsewhere if they would only hang up the paintings at home and never look at it ever again. 

I looked towards my pouting girlfriend who has been pouting the entire time that she has been here, she told me that she will be coming over to chill with me but all she had been doing is to pout and look sad all the time, it is her day off and she didn't know where to spend her day so she decided to come over to my apartment instead, perks of having a boyfriend as a neighbour.

"Are you sad that you were unable to buy anything at the exhibition?" She didn't manage to buy anything at the exhibition, it is not my fault that the paintings are so high in demand and those rich businessmen can't wait to get them in their hands.

"No, I'm not..." She faced the other direction, looking over at the fridge. "Do you have anything that I can eat at the moment? I am starving and I am lazy to go out to eat."

I sighed, she is sulky and it is my job to make her happy, it is not good for women to be upset for too long, it would cause them to look older. "What a great idea to make your boyfriend work on his day off while you stay here and do nothing on tour day off."

"But I thought every day is your day off, you have such flexible working hours that you don't look that you have a job." She looked at my direction with the sulkiest face that I have ever seen in a woman.

"Ouch. Are you that upset that you didn't manage to help me contribute?" I asked, taking out a whole sack of vegetables from the fridge. "I told you that I am alright, my paintings are always high in demand and I have no control over how much I want to sell my paintings for, the bidders have a say in it."

"But still, it makes me look like an unsupportive girlfriend to the public, people might think that I don't think highly of you." She walked over to the kitchen counter. "Especially when my parents are that rich and influential in the industry, they are sure going to talk about me not being a true noble in the family."

I set everything down on the counter and I grabbed her by the shoulders. "You being there with me is considered the best thing that you can do for me, being there looking at my work is already enough for me to be happy. I will make sure to preserve a painting for you the next time and you will be able to hang it up in your house."

An excellent idea came to my mind and it is the best thing that I have ever thought ever since I have become an artist. "Why do you look so happy all of a sudden?" She notices my facial expression as I continued thinking of the genius idea, it will definitely work if I can get her permission.

"Are you comfortable getting your photos taken and being displayed everywhere else?" She raised an eyebrow, not really understanding what I am talking about. "This is the idea for my next series if you will allow me to."

"Don't tell me that you are going to do an entire exhibition of me, seriously?" She guessed it correctly, that was the genius idea that came to my mind earlier.

I have been wanting to do an entire art series since I was a child, I wanted to dedicate all of my hard work for one person but it is a very crazy thing to do, it is a hard thing to paint your special someone in multiple artworks and expect masses of people to buy them.

It is not like a theme where it consists of different things that represent the theme that I planned for, for the previous exhibition, it was different types of dreams and I did a lot of research for each type of dreams and how I want to portray each dream in. It has to be unique but still closely related to each other to the theme.

Painting one person for an entire exhibition is a crazy thing for me back then when I was an unknown artist but things are different now, I have the money and reputation to risk my career for. I can basically do anything that I wanted and no one would ever complain about unless it would turn out to be a disaster and I will never allow that to happen.

"That's crazy, it is too risky for you to have me as your model. I am not that pretty as you think, I have a lot of flaws. I am not that perfect as you think." I laughed at her reply. "Why are you laughing? It is not funny at all, for goodness sake."

"That is my exact point of having you to be the centre of attention for my next project, I didn't like you because you are perfect to me. You are not and that makes you even more unique, and I like that about you. No one is perfect, they all have their flaws but they are unique in their own ways. To me, you are the most beautiful woman in the world and I want to show the whole world how beautiful you are and how jealous they will be."

She finally smiled after a long day of pouting. "Are you always such a sweet talker? Do you always have to make me seem like some goddess? Fine, you can have my permission. Promise that you have to show me all the draft sketches before you can paint on it, I will never allow any painting to be sold if I am not satisfied with it."

I leaned forward to kiss her and I touched her nose with my finger. "Got it, Miss Imperfect. Just wait for the drafts, milady."

Miss Imperfect // L.M.H (#24)Where stories live. Discover now