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I love my boyfriend and I don't know exactly how much I love him, he is someone that I have never expected myself to meet and fall in love with. Despite his cool demeanour and his messy exterior, there is a layer inside that shell that showed that he is caring and thoughtful, and he only looks at you and no one else ever mattered to him at all. That is Lee Minhyuk and even though he has a career that he is working on to provide for himself and me, he still smiles at me whenever I go to check up on me.

He doesn't really like me disturbing me so I would only go to his apartment in the evenings and make sure that he gets to eat and sleep well, and sometimes we would have our own time together outside of his work, we will spend the rest of the evenings watching movies and that is pretty much what we do as a couple.

He hardly struck to me as a romantic person even though sometimes he prepares food for me whenever I come over but he is often busy most of the time and I would call delivery to feed the two of us but that is what I like about him, he can be romantic when he needs to and he will tone down when he needs to work, he knows how to separate his work and his personal life properly although his entire career is built around his life.

And today he completely surprised me and made me feel that I am blessed to be his girlfriend, he came to pick me up after having dinner with Kim Sohye ssi and although he could just have waited for me to go up like how most people do while waiting for someone, he decided to pick me up from the basement. And that is when he did his magic on me, he immediately grabbed me for a kiss and it was a passionate kiss that made me feel so funny inside, I don't even know how to react to this properly but melt in his kisses.

The best thing about this is that there was someone who was watching the two of us the entire time, I had totally forgotten about Kim Sohye who gave me a lift home. I had forgotten to drive my car today and I thought that I would have to take the bus or the subway because taxis are not cheap these days and it is not good to take taxis, luckily Kim Sohye solved that problem for me because she brought her car today and that we had dinner today, she thought that it would be good for me to go back home in her car and it would be a good chance to get to know more about her.

I didn't know that she could be so fun to hang out with, I thought that she would be the typical self-entitled artist who makes too much money and forgets that she is a fellow human but she isn't, she is the most humble human being that I have ever met and she is very kind and polite towards me. I almost lost track of time talking to her all evening and having dinner with her, I never thought that I would spend so much time with someone that I barely even know but after today, we are considered more than acquaintances and maybe something more like friends but not best friends because we barely know much about each other.

I let out a shy laugh as I withdraw from Minhyuk, looking at the awkward one who was keeping quiet and pretending that she doesn't exist at this moment. "This is my boyfriend, the artist who refuses to rest for more than 8 hours, meet Lee Minhyuk." I introduced Minhyuk to Kim Sohye.

"Hi, I am Kim Sohye. I know you from the exhibition that time, your artworks are remarkable and they touch my soul when I see them. I should've bought a painting at that time but I couldn't, I hope that I can buy at least one of them when I visit your next exhibit. When will that be?" She asked Minhyuk and she was looking forward to his reply.

"I am not that sure yet but I know that you will be at a loss of words when you see them and I don't want you to see them. Thanks for sending my girlfriend home anyways, she is definitely grateful for that." He said that with a smile but I somehow feel something weird along with it and I don't know what kind of weird am I feeling about.

She left right away and I stared Minhyuk with the look that I give when I am not really happy with something. "Do you really have to say that to her? She is my friend, not an enemy. And plus, she is someone that you know in the industry and I am sure that the two of you can get along with each other as well."

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know about you but I know that I won't want to talk to her at all, I have a bad feeling about it."

"What bad feeling? Can you specify that?" He shook his head. "But it is fine that I continue hanging out with her right? She seems like a great person to me and we can click well with each other."

We went back to his apartment and I noticed that there was nothing on the dinner table, he just woke up from his nap and he didn't have anything yet. "Should we call delivery? I am craving for some tteokbokki right now."

"You just had dinner, you wouldn't want to eat again. I will just order one portion for myself and a smaller portion for you." He told me and I jumped over to the couch, grabbing the remote controller. "And you can choose the movie while I go shower, you can choose all the cheesy romantic movies and I will still watch it because I will just be staring at you the entire time."

Miss Imperfect // L.M.H (#24)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora