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JungYeon smiles at me as she sees me coming into the office, she is still stuffing her face with the sushi that she bought earlier at the restaurant, it seems that this place will be the number one place that she will ever visit for the next few months and me kind of regret that I brought her there, I should've brought someone else. Minhyuk is a far better choice than her but he is always busy with his work, especially with the project that he is doing now, I don't know what exactly is he doing for his project and he hasn't allowed me to know anything at all.

And it is not like I would be able to help him with anything because I don't have a creative mindset like his, there is a reason why I chose to be a lawyer and not an artist because I would totally fail as an artist. But I don't mind looking and appreciating the paintings that he created once in a while to understand all the hard work and effort that he had been through while working on these masterpieces, all the attempts that he has made just to create the artwork that he wanted to have as part of his theme that he is aiming towards.

I kind of miss going out for dinners with my boyfriend, it is good when we get to eat dinner together in the perfect atmosphere and we get to eat in a hastened pace in fear that we might cause the people who are waiting in line wait more for the both of us because we took our own sweet time. But I love going out with him because I would get a chance to show him off to the public and tell everyone that I am dating such an awesome man and everyone should be envied at me, it is a very proud way of thinking but this is how most women think when they are going out with their boyfriends.

But I am dating a fellow painter, which means that most of the time that he has is spent on working and the only time that he is free is when he recharges his energy to be used later on, he doesn't have the best work-life-balance that I know of but this is how people in the creative industry works. The less sleep that you get, the more time that you can work, the less time that you spend time doing the things that you love, the more time that they can work.

And because of that, they would forget to do some things that a human would do normally, they sometimes don't shower or eat because doing all of it might decrease their productivity at work and makes them lose that spark of inspiration as well. And my job, as a fellow girlfriend and his neighbour, I would have to make sure that he eats well and showers frequently, sleep well and have a decent social life at least.

But today, I have decided to leave him alone for one night to have dinner with someone else, it is not a guy that I met somewhere randomly, it is Kim Sohye, a pottery artist that I met randomly by chance. She is a famous pottery artist who is known for her pottery pieces that she created just using a second of her imagination and she is extremely good at it, everyone loves to get their hands on her pottery pieces but it doesn't come cheap at all, each piece could fetch thousands of dollars even if it is as small as a miniature bowl.

I wouldn't have a chance to meet her if I hadn't met her randomly on the street this afternoon, I swear that it is as random as it can be. I was on the way back to my workplace when she held me back, asking me for directions to the nearest art store while empathizing that she has a bad sense of direction and she didn't have her assistant to tag along with her to top up with it.

And I directed her to the place that she wanted to go because I still had some time in between, she thanked me for helping and she revealed her identity to me at the same time. And now I am going to have dinner with the very Kim Sohye that my lawyer Yoo JungYeon is a huge fan of, I tried to not tell her that I met her idol and I am going to have dinner with her, she would literally want to kill me if I did that and I should not do that as a friend and a colleague.

Maybe I will tell her that after today, at least I will be fine getting killed by her after everything had happened. "Sorry, I have caught up in traffic for a little. Have you ordered yet?" I told her as soon as I saw her and got to the table.

She shook her head. "It's fine, I have only just reached the restaurant as well. Traffic is really bad and I decided to take a cab here, if I had tried to take public transport, I would be lost in some street by then and you would have to wait for me." She chuckled. "How was work for you? Is it hard being a lawyer?"

I shook my head. "It may seem tough and boring as a lawyer, but I really loved my job a lot. It depends on person to person basis, I do think being a pottery artist is tough as well."

She nodded eagerly. "And people till this day still think that we have a flexible lifestyle and we don't need a lot of thinking to create a single artwork, these people seriously don't deserve to purchase these artworks if they don't appreciate it at all."

I guess that all artists have the same problem when it comes to their customers, especially those with a lot of money and little appreciation for the arts and would purchase those artworks just because it looks classy and appropriate for their offices and thinks that everyone is going to be impressed at them.

"I kind of understand how you feel because I am dating an artist as well," I told her. "You know the one who was the main artist behind the exhibition that night? He is my boyfriend."

She raised her eyebrows slightly. "Oh really? That's really cute, people don't really date artists because they are never free to meet anyone at all and you dating one of those artists makes you very unique."

I nodded. "It has to do with the fact that he is also my neighbour and he lives just opposite me, I get to check in on him all the time and cook for him whenever he is hungry." The last part is made up because I don't know how to cook and I would order takeouts instead like fried chicken or Chinese cuisine to fill our stomachs.

"That's great! I envy you a lot because you have such a perfect life at your age and you have a wonderful dating lifestyle as well, I wish that my life was like that as well." She held my hand a little. "Can you share some of your secrets? I am sure that you have."

I shook my head. "I don't, really. Sohye ssi, my life wasn't as perfect as you think but it is because of Minhyuk ssi that it seems perfect to me. He makes me feel special and I don't need to look perfect in front of him because we are all imperfect, we just need to find that person to make everything look perfect."

Miss Imperfect // L.M.H (#24)Where stories live. Discover now