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I got to work as soon as I wake up from my sleep, I have to rush on my project as fast as I can so that I can get them ready on the day of my exhibition where I am going to show off Gong SooNa's beauty there, everyone is going to see her face and I don't want them to get disappointed. It is not my first project but I am treating it as my first project because it is my first huge event for SooNa and I don't want to mess it up.

She is either going to love it or hate it when she sees this but I am going to make sure that she loves it, there is no way that she wouldn't like it and not all of the paintings has her face on it. Most of it represents who she is as a person and I used objects and sceneries to present her, and there is only one masterpiece that is of her face and I am not planning to sell this to anyone, I am giving it to SooNa on her birthday instead.

It is not something that should be given out to anyone just like that, it is just for my love and I want her to accept it, to see how beautiful she is in my eyes and feel my love that I have for her. It is very cheesy but it is how I love her and I want her to know how much I exactly love her and I will not love anyone else other than her, it is a very simple thing that a man can do for the women that he loves.

And it is getting a lot harder for me to hide this whole project for Gong SooNa as the day draws nearer, because of the insane amount of paintings that I am going to do for this project, I need to have a space to put all of those finished paintings at and it has to be out of sight so that she can't see me. My apartment isn't exactly that big even though I am the only one who is living in this apartment and there isn't much space to put anything even so, and hiding it from Gong SooNa is a tough task to do without her finding out about it.

I managed to stuff most of them in the storage room that has all of my art supplies and some blank canvas but there is a lot of them that I don't have a space for them to store at before the exhibition, I can't put them in my room because SooNa sleeps here sometimes and she knows every corner of my room inside out, I would have to find some way to hide all of them when I am done painting all of them and it would be another challenge for me then.

But for now, I am only hoping that she would like what I have done for her, I have only started dating her not too long ago but it feels that I have known her for such a long time and I feel so comfortable with her, I am able to connect with her on so many levels despite the both of us not having a lot of things in common.

We don't even work in the same field of expertise but I am able to understand how tough her job is and I help her release some stress whenever she talks to me, she doesn't really understand what a painter does but she doesn't judge me when I would have a lot of paint stains on my clothing and my apartment is so messy all the time because I don't have the time to clean up, she helps clean up my apartment when she has the time to do so and she would order me to go to bed as soon as I am done with dinner so that I would have enough time to sleep for the next day of work.

And she doesn't mind that she is so different from me, but we are able to love each other despite all of that. That's why I started a project to make her feel happy with me and dating me is the best thing that can happen to her and falling in love with her is the best thing that happened to me all these years, I want her to be happy that I am always there for me and I would always love her more than anything.

My phone started ringing and I would usually stop everything I am doing to pick up the phone call when I am not working but I am at work, it would distract me if I were to pick up that phone call and I would leave it to the end of the day to get back to all of my messages and it is not like anyone would ever call me. But if it is SooNa that is calling me, I would put everything down just to listen to her voice and she is the only exception that I would actually stop work just for her.

I set a different ringtone for the same reason so that I would be able to recognise her from all the other people who call me but this is a different ringtone, it is for someone else who doesn't deserve me setting a specific ringtone just for her and I had forgotten to delete her number back then.

I ignored it for the first time and got back to work and then it rang the second time, this time it is from the land-line phone and I know that she is only going to call me until I picked up the call. And so, I did after putting my stuff down on the table and I walked to where my land-line is at. "Hello." I didn't even say it as a question because I don't want to entertain her.

"Minhyuk, is that you?" Her voice is as refreshing as before but I hate this voice now, it is a voice that I don't want to hear. "I see that you didn't change the number of land-line at all, after all these years."

"I don't know why you are calling me for but I hope that you would stop calling me and getting close to me or my girlfriend ever again, if not I will call the cops on you. I'm for real, I will do this to someone that I hated so much and you made me hate you even more." I hang up the call, heaving a heavy sigh before collapsing on the couch. Why is she doing this to me now?

Miss Imperfect // L.M.H (#24)Where stories live. Discover now