15. Find Your Love

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I got to work and went to my office. I picked up some papers and then my dad called me into his office. I sighed as I threw the papers back on my desk. I walked into his office.

"Sit," he said as he pointed to a chair in front of his desk. I closed the door and sat down. I cut my eyes at him.

"These past two months,ever since Olivia has shown up here you have been slacking off and I have had enough of it, you need to be in here ten in the morning every morning everyday," He said.

"I have not been slacking off, if I don't get my work done here I take it home and work on it there. Yes I have been coming in late a few days, because I want to spend time with MY WIFE," I said.

"You could do that when you go home," He said,

"No I cant I go home I do more work. Sometimes I need a fuckin break, I never get one and if I want to I will take the morning off to spend with her. I only have one more week with her until she decides if she going to stay or not, I don't need the stress of you and work when I have it with my life. Now If I want a morning or day off I will take one." I said.

"Well obviously she doesn't want to be here if she left you in the first time. She left you at the alter and then you had to blackmail her to get her here now, what the hell makes you think shes going to stay now," He said.

"See you don't get it, none of you do. I go after what I want and love and she what I want and love and you don't fuckin get that because you and mom pretty much hate each other, I don't know how she stands you, that's why she cheated on you. Olivia had a reason for leaving, that doesn't mean I think she should have left because of it, but she did and I have to respected her for that." I said.

"Oh and what was her reason, it was too hot for her," He said.

I lost it.

"She was pregnant dad, she lost the baby and she thought she was a murder for it and took away the one thing I wanted with her which was a family, which actually all she did was she took herself away from me. I care about my wife, and maybe I'm the only one who cares about anything anymore," I said.

"I care about my wife," He said.

"No you don't! You work all the time just to get away from her. I'm not you dad, I need a break so I can spend time and take care of my family. I do my job, I sit in that office and read and sign contracts and papers all day. So I find it perfectly fine to take a day off or two as long as shit is getting done it doesn't matter, I'm not a work freak like you. I don't hide myself in my work like you do. You know you do and I've had it, Dillan has had it. the only thing keeping him here is me. It's time for you to find your family again you've gotten too full of yourself. And if you dare criticize my wife again, I don't care who you are I will kick your ass," I said strongly.

Then I got up and walked out.

an hour later I got called back into his office.

"What," I said as I walked in.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said throughs things about Olivia and your right I should start finding more time to spend with my family. But I am sorry." He said. "it's okay and Im sorry for going off." I said. "I like Olivia and your very protective over her and I understand that," He said. "Thank you," I said.

He looked at me.

"I'm going home now," I said. "but it's only one o'clock," He said. "I'm going home now," I said. "Okay, Have a goodnight son," He said. "Thank you, you too," I said.

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