28. Find Your Love

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I got to the apartment and slowly opened to door and didnt hear anything so He was still asleep. I closed the door.

"WELL it's so fabulous for you TO JOIN me for breakfast." Martin said.

I jumped.

"Shit Martin you scared me," I said. "Gee sorry. Can I have my car keys back. Because I knew you didnt go for a run. I saw my keys were gone and saw my car wasn't outside." He said. "You see the key's, they uh fell my pocket and I went for a run and the car followed me," I said. "Yeah and I won the mega lotto last night and went on a magic carpet ride," He said.

We both laughed. I looked around the room.

"Wa, Was it fun?" I asked. "Oh my God," He said.

He walked back into the kitchen and stopped at the counter and looked at me.

"I dont care if you took my car. I care about the reason you took it and that was to see Luke," He said.

I began to speak when he stopped me.

"And dont tell me it wasn't," He said.

I sighed.

"Yes it was to see Luke and we, we're okay now" I said.

He looked at me.

"Did you talk it out or should I be expecting another baby soon," He asked.

I looked at him.

"We talked it out. Sorta or at least I think we did," I said. "Oh my God. Theres a drug store down the road and I'm sure they'll have pregnancy text there," He said.

I know I had an annoyed look on my face.

"I'm not pregnant. We did not have sex," I said.

He sighed.

"Your mad." I said. "I'm, I'm not mad at you. It's, it's at him. He does this to you and it pisses me off and then you let him off so easy," He said. "I know, I just hate the fighting and the shorter I can make it the better. Besides, I missed five years of our marriage. I dont want to loose anymore time," I said. "I know. I know, Im sorry I didnt mean to be like that," He said. "It's okay, you were just looking out of me. Thank you," I said with a smile. "Anytime," He said with a smile.

Then Joshua started crying.

"Okay, I have to go get him," I said as I walked to the guest bedroom.

I got Josh and then got ready for work. We got to the office an hour later.

I went into my relaxing room to design some stuff and to work on others.








I got to Olivia's office and walked off the elevator. I looked around for Martin and he was at his desk. He looked up and saw me and got up and folded his arms and walked down the small set of stairs to me.

"Joy well if it isn't Mr. I'm one great big freakin ray of sunshine," He said.

I looked at him and smirked.

"No, I think that's you attuide. But that's okay," I said.

He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, Olivia's in her relaxing room," He said. "Actually I'm here for you," I said.

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