20. Find Your Love

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We got to my house and I was just so happy to be home and Luke got out of the car and waited for me.

"Oh Joe I'll need to see you Sunday just for a small meeting." I said. "Oh okay great. Um will you need me tomorrow Mrs. Knight?" He asked. "I may," I said. "Very well, see you then," He said with a smile. "Yes, see you soon," I said.

I looked back to Luke as I got out.

"Ready," He asked with a smile. "Yes," I said with a smile as he put his arm around me.

We were walking to the apartment lobby when Luke almost slipped on a sheet of ice. I started to laugh a little, then he looked at me.

"You saw nothing," He said.

I laughed.

We took the elevator up to my place. We walked in and I turned to looked at Luke.

"I um don't really have an empty draw but I do have a closet you can use," I said. "That's fine," He said.

So we walked into my room and I helped him unpacked.

"So it's a very nice place you have here. It's bigger apartment than I thought it would be," He said. "Well thank you. I got rid of a lot of furniture just so it would look bigger, with all the furniture it seemed much smaller," I said. "Well it looks really nice," He said with a smile. "Thank you," I said with a smile. "Oh and the bathroom is down the hall," I added.

He looked around.

"Well okay," He said. "I know your not use to a bathroom being out of the bedroom." I said. "Yeah, it's a little odd," He said with a smile.

I laughed

I changed into my night clothes and laid down in bed with Luke. I got up at six in the morning to get the box of shirts out of the hall. I sat the big box on the kitchen table and then felt the morning sickness come over me. I laid back down and slept until ten. I got up before Luke and I walked back into the the dining room and opened the box and pulled out the shirts and the sweater.

I was reading the paper in the box from Bolly.

"Hello Olivia," Someone I said.

"Shit!" I said as I jumped.

I turned around to see who it was.

"Damn it Ryan really what the hell are you doing here?" I asked. "I want my job back," He said. "I'm sorry but you cant have it," I said. "Why not?" He asked. "Ryan I let you go because I didn't want you there anymore, why the hell would I give it back if I still don't want you there," I said. "Olivia please," He said as he grab my hand.

I pulled it away.

"No. Besides you sold your stories, you have money you don't need it from me," I said. "Well," He said. "Well what?" I asked. "I kind of bought a huge house and a really nice car and a big ass boat and that where all my money went," He said. "Well that's your problem, not mine." I said. "Olivia please." He said. "No! Now go before my husband gets up," I said. "Olivia you don't have a husband," He said. "Yes I've had a husband for five years," I said as I turned on the TV. "Oh does the press know?" He asked. "Yes," I said as I looked back at the TV.

He looked at me.

"Well wont you looky there, there we are on the TV leaving LA airport last night," I said.

He looked at the TV.

"Sorry you cant sell me out this time now get the hell out of my house NOW!," I said. "Come on Olivia, you want me I can see it in your eyes," He said.

I looked at him.

"It's your cologne. It stinks," I said.

I could tell that made him mad.

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