32. Find Your Love

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I looked at her as he splashed me with anger. I laughed.

"It's not funny, I'm wet and I, I got water in my nose," She said as she wiped her face.

I kissed her to where she quit talking.

She laughed.

"Fine you win," She said with a smile.

I smiled.

"I did it because it would take your mind off josh," I said. "Yeah well now I have to get a shower," She said. "Okay," I said as I kissed her one more time and then we got out of the pool.

She walked upstairs and I grab the Ipad to do some work in bed while she took a shower. I hated that had to do work while we we're on a break but I only had two twelve page contracts left and then I was done. We had one more full day her tomorrow and then the next day we were going somewhere else that I knew Olivia would be excited to see.








The next day went by pretty fast so we packed up and went to bed so we could make our early flight the next morning. We got to the plane and it took four hours to get to where we are going.

"Do not pull out that blind fold," I said.

He laughed and then put it on me.

I folded my arms and sighed with attitude.

"Such a diva," He said laughing. "Your such and ass," I said.

He laughed.

We walked off the plane and this time got into a limo or at least I thought it was a limo.

"Seriously Luke, what the hell," I said. "Trust me," He said.

We got out of the limo and I heard the ding of an elevator and once we walked off and I smelt how the room smelled.

I smiled.

"Are we," Was all I could say.

Luke took the blind fold off.

"Boston," I said breathlessly and I saw my apartment.

I smiled and the kissed him.

"I thought you would like it," He said. "I do, Thank you, thank you," I said.

Later that night I was sitting on my couch my soft fluffy white couch when Luke sat down beside me with a note book.

I looked at him.

"Okay?" I questioned. "We should write down some of the things we need to work on," He said.

I looked at him.

"Starting off with no secrets." He said with a tone.

I took a hard swallow.

"Fine then I think we should add Trusting each other," I said. "Fine, then we should add more family time," He said. "Fine then I think by adding more family time we should have a time that we should be home," I said. "Fine, How's five thirty," He said. "No, Five," I said. "Fine," He said. "Fine," I said.

He looked forward and then looked back at me.

"This sounds like we are more fighting then we are getting along," He said. "I know I'm sorry, I started it, Im sorry," I said.

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