34. Find Your Love

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"I am here and I am ready to work handsome, what do you need me to do first?" He asked. "Um well I need this stack of papers filed front to back, I need three copy's of these contracts and I need two meetings cancelled and reschedule, you think you can handle that?" I asked.

"Yes Mr. Luke Dean hottie sir," He said as he grab the papers to be filed and walked out.

I was surprised that he got everything done in an hour, it's take most people longer than that. The work day had came to the end and I walked out and saw Martin at the assistant desk.

"Wow you stayed late." I said. "Well of course, I've also gotten a head start for tomorrow, So I'll see you then" He said as he grab his jacket and walked to the elevator. I followed and got on with him. It felt a little awkward only because this is Olivia's best friend and he liked me or at least he acted that way.

I walked of and walked to my car which Martin was parked beside.

"Have a good night," He said. "You too," I said as I got into my car.

I got home and Olivia got home at the same time.

I kissed her as I met her at the door. We sat down on the couch.

"So I had an interesting day," I said. "Oh yeah me too," She said. "Oh really what happened?" I asked. "I saw Martin have sex with another guy and I sure as hell don't want to see it again," She said.

I laughed.

"So what happened on your day?" She asked. "I kept getting hit on by another guy," I said.

She laughed.

"Oh that's just Martin," She said. "I know," I said with a smile.

She smiled.

"You know we are alone," I said. "We are," She said.

I got closer to her and our lips barely touched and then I kissed her. I laid her down on the couch and put on of my hands threw her hair and the other on her cheek and she had her hand on my jacket. A second later she put her hand on my chest and looked at me.

"Too soon?" I asked.

She nodded and I saw sadness in her eyes. I smiled.

"That is totally fine, I'm not forcing you," I said.

She smiled.

"Thank you," She said.

She kissed me one more time and then we waited for Mrs. June have Josh home.

The next day Olivia walked into work with me to get me to sign and notarize a paper for her, when Martin walked in and handed me coffee from starbucks.

"There's your coffee handsome," He said. "Thanks," I said as I sat it down at my desk.

Olivia looked up at him.

"Whats up girlllllll," He said as he high fived her and then walked out. "I miss getting my coffees in the morning," She said.

I laughed.

"Sorry you gave him to me," I said. "Are you saying you are growing a little crush on Martin?" She asked teasingly. "No," I said and then looked back at her. "But it's good to know I can always go both ways." I said teasingly. "Oh God Luke!" She said.

I laughed. She cut her eyes at me. I smiled.

"Okay here you go," I said as I handed her, her paper and kissed her. "Thanks," She said. "I think I'm gonna do something like assistant auditions," I said.

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