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Laurent walked out of the bathroom that was attached to his room, a towel in his hand dabbing on his wet long strands of black hair.

He walked to the bed and grabbed the clothes he had laid out to wear; it was a singlet and a sweatpants. After wearing his clothes and collecting the dripping water from his hair with a towel, Laurent combed his hair out to let it dry on it's own.

When he had arrived, Felix had told him to come down to eat once he freshened up and feeling very hungry with a growling stomach, Laurent felt it was the perfect time to do as he was told.

As he made his way to the dinning room he had been shown earlier, Laurent prayed not to get lost in the house. It wouldn't be funny if a grown as man got lost in a house.

Lucky enough, he made it to the dinning room.

"-they are all set?" Felix had his back to the door and was talking to a lady.


"Hello," Laurent said as walked into the room, making his presence known.

"Mr Bourgeois," Felix called turning to Laurent.

"Please call me Laurent. Non Mr," Laurent corrected. The honorifics made him uneasy.

Felix looked uncertain.

"Please. I non appreciate the Mr, " He shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Sir. But I can't do that," Felix answered after considering his job.

Laurent sighed. "Whatever you want. "

"This is Nora, Mr Bourgeois' cook and help," Felix introduced.

"Welcome, Sir," Nora bowed.

"Merci," Laurent flashed her a smile.

"Your food is ready," She gestured at the banquet displayed on the table.

"Mon dieu," Laurent exclaimed, his eyes popping as he took a sit at the table. "Merci beaucoup."

Both Felix and Nora bowed and left Laurent alone to his food.

30 minutes later, with a full stomach, Laurent took a stroll around the house to relieve and lighten himself. As he walked the mansion, he wouldn't say he wasn't proud of Larry and his accomplishments.

Once he started to feel tired, Laurent headed back to his room and fell into a deep slumber.

By the time he woke up, it was past 8 in the evening and he was sure Larry was back.

Laurent climbed out of bed, fixing his hair into one single braid before going to find Larry.

Felix was walking up the stairs when Laurent found him.

"Mr Bourgeois."

"Felix, is Larry back?" Laurent asked pausing for a second.

"Yes, Sir. He's currently in his study, you can go ahead."

"Take me there, please?"

"Follow me."

Felix walked Laurent past the living room, down a hallway and stopped at the last door at the end of the hallway.

"Mr Bourgeois is in there."


Felix turned around and left.

Laurent let out a sigh, a soft smile tugging on his lips.

He knocked twice on the door.

"Yes? Come in."

Laurent turned the handle of the door, pushing it a little before walking in.

Larry was just putting down his phone and was typing something on the computer in front of him.

Laurent's smile turned into a grin as he saw Larry.


Larry looked up, getting to his feet. "H-Hello."

Laurent couldn't hold back. He let his feet carry him to Larry where he enveloped him in a hug.

"Oh, Larry, long time non see! I missed you!" Laurent rocked him.

Feeling highly uncomfortable and shocked, Larry hesitantly tapped Laurent's back twice and when he couldn't take the closeness any more, he pulled away.

"Please, don't," Larry shook his head at Laurent.

"Oh, sorry. I non mean to scare you, I just... It has been so long I saw you! I remember when we were kids back home and how we played-"

"Please, go sit over there," Larry gestured, wanting Laurent away from where he was.

"Oh," Laurent looked around to find his sit.

"No one is allowed back here, but me," Larry said gesturing to the space behind the desk.

Laurent nodded. "Okay," He obeyed and went to sit on the other side of the desk.

"How was your trip?"

"It was fine! I took the first class! I never-"

"And everyone back home is doing well?"

"Uh, yes. My mama sends her greetings and the-"

"That's good to hear," Larry nodded. "I'm not going to bit about the bush and tell you. I hate lazy people, I hate unserious people, I hate liars, I hate thieves. Do you understand that?"


"Good," Larry nodded again. "Starting tomorrow you'll begin work at my company."


Larry raised a brow. "Do you have a problem with that?"

"Non, it is just-"

"Good. 8am, tomorrow. Be ready. You may leave."

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