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Laurent found out that Jane was friendly, to the core, and she was really funny.

After showing him around and introducing him to the other employees as her son and for them not to mess with him, she took him back to their station which was outside Larry's office as she was Larry's secretary and Laurent was to assist her.

Laurent even found out she was a year older than him yet she acted so mature. He tried to get information on how Larry was and all she said was he was the best boss ever.

Jane made it easy for Laurent to understand what their company was about. They created 3D games and all their games were on lifestyles and stories. There were teams take had he responsibility of writing the storyline, another team was in charge of designing the choices and corresponding answers, there was the team in charge of proof reading the story, another for accepting or rejecting, then the graphic design, the programming, the testing team, the developers and so on.

Laurent found out Larry was in every team, and out of every simple 5 votes, Larry had 2 votes.

He found it interesting and was more eager to work.

Even when Jane had given him his first task of going to the planning and development team to give them a file and collect some information, Laurent jumped in joy as he went. He was going to work so hard to show his appreciation to Larry.

Until 12 noon, Laurent assisted Jane and learnt a lot in just that short time and by 12:30, Jane announced it was time for lunch.

The employees scurried away to eat and Laurent saw some of them with their lunch packs on their table.

"Let's eat," Jane got up, grabbing her phone.

Laurent nodded and imitated her.

As they left for the cafeteria he couldn't help but ask, worriedly. "Is Larry coming for eat?"

"Oh, no," Jane shook her head. "Mr Bourgeois doesn't eat at the company except he has visitors then he can join them for lunch at the cafeteria."

"But why? Is he non going for be hungry?"

Jane shook her head. "He's been doing that for 5 years I've worked with him. He's used to it."

"So what will he do at the time?"


"He always work when he comes here?"

Jane laughed. "Don't worry about Mr Bourgeois, Laurent. He's a big boy, he can handle himself."

But it wasn't a choice for Laurent. He was already deeply worried about Larry.

Lunch ended with Laurent socializing with the employees and soon the day came to an end.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Laurent," Jane said to him, swinging her purse over her shoulder.

"Yes," Laurent smiled up at her.

"It's nice to have you here," She said sincerely.

Laurent felt suddenly soft. "Merci, Jane. I'm happy for be here with you guys too."

Jane waved then left the room

"Bye, Laurent."

"See you tomorrow, Laurent."

"Bye, Pat and Angela," He waved at his colleagues.

After confirming all they had used for the day was put away, Laurent grabbed his bag and headed to Larry's office.

He knocked twice.

"Yes," Larry called softly.

Laurent opened the door and walked into the office, Larry lifted his eyes for a second to glance at him.

"You haven't gone home yet?" Larry asked, typing away frantically on his computer.

"Non," Laurent shook his head at Laurent walking further into the room and assessing it.

It fit Larry's personality and stance so well.

"I asked the company's driver to take you home. Go down and wait."

"Are you coming too?"



Larry looked at him swiftly. "I still have a lot to do."

"So you are non leaving now?" Laurent asked to confirm.


"I will wait for you. You non mind, non?"

"That's up to you."

Larry didn't respond to Laurent at further, so Laurent took a sit at the other side of the office so as to give Larry the chance to work. But as Larry work, he couldn't help but watch in admiration.

Larry's concentration was over the top. His dedication and hard work made Laurent's heart tug. With the amount of money Larry had you would not believe he still worked so hard.

Despite bragging about Larry, most people back home always thought Larry had people to do the work for him while he sat back and ordered them.

They couldn't be any more wrong, Laurent thought. Larry was part of the process, he was hardworking and committed to his company. And he was also very nice to his workers. Even if he wasn't the nicest to Laurent, Laurent admired his relationship with his workers. They were more like friends rather than boss-employees. He wanted that too. He wanted to gain Larry's trust his attention and he wanted Larry's heart to be soft towards him.

But he doubted it. Larry already turned his heart against him.

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