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I knew I had to post because it's my birthday today 😊


The car pulled into the driveway and Felix stood in front of the big mansion to welcome them. Laurent climbed out from the passenger seat, feeling a mix of disappointed and happy. Disappointed that the enjoyable drive had ended, yet happy that the mood would carry on inside the house, in Larry's room.

Felix had rushed over to Larry's side. Larry frowned when he saw him.


"Don't you ever repeat what you said to me today. Ever, Felix." He looked enraged, his eyes burned through Felix's head.

"Forgive me, Sir. I was just—"

"You overstepped your boundaries. I will not tolerate it again. There are over a hundred people waiting to have your job and I will not hesitate to rid you of it if you ever think you can tell me what to do."

Felix was silent. His head bowed, he swallowed.

"Ever." He shot Felix a lasting glare one last time before walking off.

Laurent stood in his spot next to the passenger side. Why was Larry so defensive and angry? He wondered what Felix had said to him to get him so mad.

The sound of the driver's side door shutting snapped Laurent from his thought. He swiveled and found Felix had shut Larry's door and was approaching him.

"Good evening, Mr. Bourgeois," Felix said, chirpily like his job had not just been threatened by his boss. "How was your day?"

Laurent felt sorry for him. He returned the smile. "Fine, Felix. Are you good?"

Felix nodded. "Very good, Sir."

Laurent exhaled. He rubbed his arms as a shiver crawled over his skin. "Felix, I like you."

Felix furrowed his brows in confusion.

"I non want you for lose you job. You are a good man and I know you care for Larry. Just try for be careful about what you say. Larry is non very happy these days."

The butler's lips pulled up shakily at one side. "Yes, Sir. Thank you."

Laurent flashed him an encouraging smile along with a teasing wink, before strolling towards the building and into the house.

The instant Laurent walked into the house, he stopped in his tracks. His brows cocked so up his forehead it looked like they were about to jump into his hairline.

A lady in her mid-twenties was perched on Larry, her legs wrapped around his waist, peppering kisses all over Larry's face while Larry squirmed and laughed like a little kid.

"Oh, father! You big baby!" Larry laughed.

"I missed you so much, my caramel munchkin," The lady purred, ravaging his afro with long press-on nails.

Larry laughed, more heartily, more fondly. "I see."

Laurent moved from the door. The sight made his heart to hurt, and it very much reflected on his face. Because Larry's eyes met his and he let his laughter die and set down the lady.

"What!?" She cried, going back to hug him.

Larry laughed shortly but pulled her away. He took her wrist. "Lena, I want to introduce you to someone."

"Who?" She hyperactively swiveled and her eyes bulged when she saw Laurent. "Laurent! Hi!"

Laurent was taken aback when she rushed into his arms, wrapping her slender hands around his waist. He dis a double and almost fell back but clutched her, gaining his balance.

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