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For Laurent, Angela's name appearing on his phone had been nothing serious. He knew she had eyes on him, he knew she wanted him, he also knew she was wasting her time if she thought he was going to reciprocate the feelings. He wasn't.

But what had not been normal was when he had heard her cry. She couldn't take it anymore, she needed him to help her. She had no idea what to do. And Laurent soon found himself at the backseat of a cab heading to the address she had sent to him.

Outside the apartment, he climbed out, he spoke to the cab driver while handing him a 20 dollars bill.

"I non be long. Wait here, please?"

Laurent didn't wait for a reply before he hurried towards the door. He knocked on it twice. He really hoped she was okay.

Her house was weirdly located in an isolated part of town. For 7 pm, it was awfully quiet and dark already. He wondered why a young girl, with so much energy and life in her, would settle for such an inside place.

Maybe he shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Maybe behind that extrovert was an introvert who loved solitude and serenity.

Angela wasn't answering the door. The lights were out, too. Laurent knocked again but also began to take out his phone from his back pocket to call her phone.

"Angela," he called out, hoping she would hear his voice if not his knocks. "Angela!"

From inside he could hear someone running, towards the door, then the knob rattled and the white wooden door swung open. Angela appeared in front of him.

Her eyes were red and puffy, her face wet from tears. Her eyes bugged in relief when she saw him. "Laurent!" She jumped unto his body, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Laurent hugged her back. He patted her back in an attempt to comfort her. "Why are you crying? Are you hurt anywhere?"

She shook her head against him and sobbed. She mumbled something inaudible.

"Baby, " he called. "You want us for go inside so—"

"No! Please, he's in there," she cried hugging him tighter. "I don't want to. I don't want to."

"Who?" He asked confused looking ahead into the dark house. He couldn't see anything.

"Just take me away before he wakes up. Please, Lau. Please," she begged.

"Okay, okay," Laurent agreed.

Reluctantly, Angela pulled away but Laurent took her hand in his. He led her to the cab and opened the back door for her to get in. He got in next to her.

The frightened lady immediately scooted next to him and hugged her arms around his arm. She was shaking like someone who had a fever.

"Angela, " Laurent called worriedly. He wondered what had happened. Why she looked so scared. But he didn't ask her. He wrapped his other arm around her protectively. "No one is going for hurt you now."

He asked the driver to take them away from the house but he didn't give him an address yet.


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