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It felt like Laurent's tongue had been glued to the roof of his mouth and his head pushed by an unknown but very strong force to the ground. Nothing he attempted doing worked, all because of Larry who was free like a bird conversing with Jane.

Jane had taken Selena from Laurent and was holding her for Larry to see.

"She's so beautiful, Jane. Just as beautiful as her mother," Larry said.

Jane blushed. "Mr Bourgeois, don't flatter me. I'm not."

"Nonsense! You extremely are. After all, you're my assistant. You don't think I'll choose an ugly person to look at every second and follow me about ruining my day?"

Jane didn't know whether to laugh or be offended. "I don't know what to say, Sir."

Larry chuckled, already sensing she hadn't taken his compliment for it. "I'm just saying your beautiful beyond doubts."

"Thank you, Sir."

Larry nodded, looking around just as Felix walked in carrying 4 shopping bags in each hand.

"Hello, Mrs Jane. Congratulations on your baby," Felix smiled at her, dropping the bags on the floor.

"Thank you, Felix. You're so kind."

"Please accept this little gift of congratulations," Larry said.

"Mr Bourgeois, all of these? It's too much!" Jane gasped, holding her baby closer.

"It's nothing, Jane. It's nothing," Larry reassured her.

"Thank you so much. I deeply appreciate you coming over to see me and my baby and your gifts. Thank you, Sir."

"You're welcome," Larry smiled sincerely at her, then on his feet. "I should leave now."

"You just got here, Sir. I haven't even given you anything to drink or eat."

"Oh, no don't bother. This wonderful baby is enough to fill me up for days I guarantee," Larry said caressing baby Selena's face with his fingers. "I just have to be at a very important meeting in 20 minutes."

Jane almost melted into goo at Larry's sweet words.

"Take care of her, Jane. And also take care of yourself," Larry patted her shoulder.

"I will, Sir. You too," Jane lowered her head.

Larry nodded and left with Felix leading the way.

Jane let out a sigh, "Mr Bourgeois is one of the nicest person I have ever worked with, yet I feel so intimidated around him."

Laurent finally looked up, Larry was gone but his unique scent was still heavy in the place.

"Spill it," Jane said, placing her baby in the cot and going to take a sit in front of Laurent.

"Spill what? I non understand?" Laurent looked at her, clueless.

"The dark aura around you and Mr Bourgeois," Jane explained. "When he walked in here, it seemed like your tongue was suddenly cut off and his eyes didn't once look your way even when he knew clearly you were here. What is it? Did you two have a misunderstanding?"

"Did we ever understanding before?"

Jane chuckled at his broken English. "But not to the extent of completely ignoring each other."

"Non worry you self over nothing, Jane."

"Laurent, don't lie to me. You look drained, you look sad."

Laurent forced a smile. "Sad? I non sad, Jane. Larry just intimidating for me like he intimidating for you."

"Is that so?" Jane wasn't buying it.


"Liar. But I'll drop it."


As earlier intended, Laurent stayed with Jane in the hospital until a few minutes past 8. He dreaded going back to the house. Due to Larry's visit, his thoughts had been clouded with the kiss and he had been distracted most of the time making Jane constantly snap his out of his day dream or to Laurent, his day nightmare.

He promised to visit her often once she got discharged and was back in her house before he left. It took a while for Jane to let him go but when she eventually did, Laurent thanked her and left for home.

During the drive, he had asked the cab driver to bring down his speed and to take a longer route. He didn't want to go home yet, he didn't want to see Larry then but he knew he would see him at one point in time.

When the cab pulled over in front of the house, Laurent hesitated before climbing out. The way Larry affected him was shocking. He had never felt like that about anyone before. Maybe it was the position Larry held, after all he was one of the youngest richest CEOs in the world, one had to feel something when a person of such caliber kissed them out of nowhere. It was expected, but Laurent felt he was maybe overreacting and had to get over the kiss.

It was stupid kiss anyway, Laurent thought.

After paying the cab driver his fare, Laurent headed into the house. The big lights were out, living just the red lights, meaning everyone had gone to bed.

A huge sigh of relief left Laurent's mouth. He had nothing to worry about. At least, not yet. Not that night.

Running a hand through his hair, he headed upstairs as his phone began to ring.

Laurent quickly silenced it, not wanting to wake anybody. After securing the whole place was as silent as it had been earlier, meaning he hadn't woken anyone up. He proceeded up the long spiral stairs, answering the call.

"Hey, Jane."

"Hi, Laurent. Have you gotten home yet?"

"Yes, I just got home."

"Okay. I was just checking up on you."

"Oh, merci. How Selena?"

"She's fine, why are you speaking in whispers?"

Laurent's lips formed a straight line. "Uh, non, I non talking for whispers."

"Oh, okay then. I have to go now. Take care of yourself."

"You too, Jane. Auvoir."

That was close, Laurent said inwardly, wiping an imaginary sweat from his forehead.

Taking baby steps to keep his presence hidden he headed upstairs and soon entered the hall.

"Woah, 12:05, Laurent," Larry said. He was leaning against the wall in the hallway, eyes on his wristwatch but slowly his eyes lifted and met Laurent's.

Laurent stood frozen.

Larry leaned away from the wall and walked closer to Laurent. "Can we talk?"

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