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Laurent staggered out of Larry's office, his legs shaking as he rushed towards the elevator.

His hands shook as he reached for the buttons and pressed the ground floor.

Laurent rubbed his face restlessly as he waited for the elevator to open, and once it opened, he walked in, closing it immediately.

Laurent let out a big sigh, breathing in and out heavily.

It was the alcohol.

It was the alcohol.

He was not thinking straight, he wouldn't have done that.

Laurent continued chanting those words in his head, walking about in the elevator.

"It was mistake," Laurent said to himself. "Larry non get himself."

Larry had been very drunk, he hadn't been in his right state of mind, or he would not have done that. He would not have put Laurent in this present condition.

Laurent was uneasy. His stomach was hurting bad and his heart was pounding away.

Why had he come to the party? This wouldn't have happened if he had not come to the party. He should have stayed at home as he had wanted to but he couldn't have said no to Angela.

When the elevator stopped and the doors opened, Laurent stepped into the hall and headed outside.

"Mr Bourgeois!"

Laurent, with his hand on his stomach, turned around. "Oh, Felix, thank God you here. Please t-take uh... take him h-home. In his office."

"I'll take you home also, Sir."

"N-no!" Laurent said rather too quickly. "Uh, thank you but no, I going for walk home."

"Walk, sir? It's going to take over an hour on foot, Sir. You don't mean that. I'll call a cab."

Laurent shook his head. He felt like he was going to be sick. "No, Felix. I need for do this."

"Sir, are you okay?" Felix asked worriedly.

Laurent's face was scrunched up in pain, from his stomach. His stomach was aching- that guilt stomach ache someone felt when they did something really bad or unbelievably wrong.

"I be fine, see you."

Laurent turned back around, pushed the door and walked into the night.

The party was still on, full on. Angela told him the party would be on until the next morning and it was barely past 11. Kudos to them.

The chilly Californian air was surprisingly helpful, plus the little exercise that came with his evening stroll did him a lot of good.

His heart had gone back to normal, though he was sure once he got back to the house, his heart would begin its marathon. He was no longer hyperventilating.

He could think straight now. He could figure out what to do, what to say and maybe how to feel. It was easy.

Larry was drunk.

He had obviously tried to resist, to leave that position but Larry had overpowered him- drunk Larry.

And then it happened.

It was a mistake. None of them had wanted it to happen. Maybe a few days ago, he had dreamt about it but since then he had prayed against it, blocked his thoughts from it. But still, it happened, but again, it was no one's fault.

Larry didn't want it, neither did he. He had not even kissed back, Laurent nodded to himself remembering what had happened less than half an hour ago.

Laurent's heart stopped beating as Larry's lips met his.

"This isn't happening," Laurent had thought as his eyes shifted from Larry's eyes to the door.

But it was, Larry was kissing him. His lips sloppily moving against Laurent's still ones, letting out throated moans.

Larry's eyes were shut, he seemed to be enjoying it, the movement of his lips didn't stop, if Laurent wasn't in shock at point from a lot of things, he might have enjoyed it also. But his mind was not there, his mind was already fast forwarded to the next day and the day after that and the day after that and the days coming after that, and he knew if he let anything happen with Larry, he might as well pack his stuff and get the hell out of Larry's company and house.

Laurent's hands found their way to Larry's chest and Larry might have thought Laurent was finally letting him in as he tried to deepen the kiss, only to be shoved away.

Laurent wished he had been able to gather that much strength to push Larry away earlier and avoid all of these casualties in his heart and head.

Larry reached for him. "No, please."

Laurent shook his head. "S-sorry, L-La-"

Unable to finish his words, Laurent shook his head and rushed out.

Laurent let himself stop walking for a minute, he was a few minutes from Larry's house. He gathered his courage, giving himself the much needed motivation to be in the same house as Larry.

When he was done prepping himself, Laurent continued his steps, though slower but eventually got home.

"Mr Bourgeois, you're back," Felix rushed to his side.

"Yes. You non have for wait for me."

"I had to, Sir. I was worried about your earlier behavior. Are you better now?"

Laurent was touched at Felix's concern. "Yes, I fine. Merci. I just have for rest, I have a headache."

"I'll send Nora to get you some drugs."

"Non, non bother her. I be fine."

"And Mr Bourgeois is..." Laurent's heart leapt. " his room. He was passed out in his office when I got there. He's sleeping now."

"G-good," Laurent cleared his throat that had suddenly turned dry. "Uh.. Good night, Felix."

"Good night, Sir." Felix nodded as Laurent started to leave. "Also, Sir.."


"Uh," Felix looked uncertain for a second then flashed a smile. "Nothing, Sir. I'm sorry. Good night."

"Good night."

Laurent left for his room. Felix had obviously wanted to tell him something, but had chosen to keep it to himself. What was it? Was it related to Larry? Laurent sighed, that wasn't even important.

What was important was even scary? How would he face Larry the next day.


Sorry for the extra late update, guys 😥

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